Simulation of cloud computing requires significant indicators like performance metrics, energy consumption metrics, cost metrics and more. In the motive of guiding you, some of the crucial metrics and a model of simulation findings are proposed by us:

Significant Metrics to Evaluate in Cloud Computing Simulation

  1. Performance Metrics
  • Response Time: In the process of reacting to a request or finishing a task it depicts the execution duration.
  • Throughput: Regarding per unit of time, this metric represents the involved number of tasks.
  • Latency: Among the origination of a task and its conclusion, it specifies the waiting time.
  1. Resource Utilization Metrics
  • CPU Utilization: CPU capability which is being applied is indicated with percentage.
  • Memory Utilization: Among total accessible memory, it indicates the memory capacity that can be utilized.
  • Storage Utilization: Considering the entire accessible storage, the amount of deployed storage is represented.
  1. Energy Consumption Metrics
  • Total Energy Consumption: Energy which is utilized by the data center is clearly reflected here.
  • Energy Efficiency: As per unit of mathematical tasks like per cloudlet, it demonstrates the usage of energy.
  1. Cost Metrics
  • Operational Cost: Encompassing the storage, computing and networking expenses, this metric depicts the price of executing the cloud systems.
  • Cost Efficiency: For per unit of computational work, consider the cost that is sustained.
  1. Scalability Metrics
  • Scalability Factor: To manage the expanding workloads through incorporating the resources, the potential of the system is clearly exhibited.
  • Elasticity: Depending on the requirements, it determines the system’s capacity in evaluating the resources automatically.

Instance of Cloud Computing Simulation Findings

We provide an instance on application of CloudSim tool for the purpose of exhibiting the findings of a cloud computing simulation.

Scenario: Assessing Resource Allocation Strategies


Considering the various resource allocation policies in a simulated cloud platform such as Dynamic Consolidation, FCFS (First Come First Serve) and Round Robin techniques, this research intends to contrast the functions and energy efficiency.


  • Data Center: Memory, storage capabilities and 10 hosts with diverse CPU.
  • Virtual Machines (VMs): It requires 50 VMS with various setups.
  • Workloads: Resource demands and 200 cloudlets (tasks) with different length are involved.


  • CPU Utilization
  • Total Energy Usage
  • Operational Expenses
  • Response Time


Metric Round Robin FCFS Dynamic Consolidation
Average Response Time 150 ms 120 ms 100 ms
CPU Utilization 70% 65% 80%
Total Energy Consumption (kWh) 500 450 400
Operational Cost ($) 1000 950 900


  • Response Time: While managing tasks in a rapid manner, Dynamic Consolidation provides best performance, as it has the minimal average response time.
  • CPU Utilization: Demonstrates the effective practical application of resources by means of Dynamic Consolidation which attains higher CPU allocation.
  • Energy Usage: This Dynamic Consolidation is a very impactful tactic which uses low amounts of energy.
  • Operational Expenses: Dynamic Consolidation is an affordable and efficient policy, as it obtains the minimum functional expenses.


  1. Response Time Comparison:
  • For each tactic, the bar chart explicitly demonstrates the average response time.
  1. CPU Utilization Comparison:
  • In the course of time, a line graph depicts the CPU allocation for particular policies.
  1. Energy Consumption Comparison:
  • Through specific policies, the pie chart clearly represents the percentage of complete energy usage.
  1. Operational Cost Comparison
  • The functional costs of each policy are contrasted through a bar chart.

What is cloud simulation in cloud computing?

       Research explorers, developers and scholars are able to interpret the implications of various setups on energy usage and performance, enhance resource utilization, examine novel techniques and assess various scenarios by means of effective simulation. We provide some key goals of cloud simulation, popular simulation tools and step-by-step procedure for carrying out a simulation process along with an instance:

Main Goals of Cloud Simulation

  1. Performance Assessment:

Based on various load densities and set ups, the function of cloud applications and services should be evaluated.

  1. Resource Management:

Encompassing network resources, CPU, memory and storage, conduct an extensive research on resource utilization tactics.

  1. Scalability Verification:

As the amount of data or the numbers of users are expanded, the adaptability of cloud applications and models need to be analyzed.

  1. Energy Efficiency:

The energy usage of cloud data centers must be evaluated and enhance the energy consumption through creating efficient tactics.

  1. Cost Analysis:

Depending on diverse pricing frameworks and setups, the cost of executing cloud applications is required to be assessed.

  1. Security and Adherence:

To examine the efficiency of cloud security standards, simulate adherence conditions and security assaults.

  1. Disaster Recovery:

Regarding various backup and recovery policies, analyze the potential and make a proper plan for disaster recoveries.

Prevalent Cloud Simulation Tools

  1. CloudSim:

Specifically for designing and simulating cloud computing platforms, CloudSim is a broadly applicable simulation toolkit which is also used for analyzing the cloud resource implementation techniques.

  • Characteristics: Development of data centers, applications, load densities and virtual machines are assisted here. The simulation of various scheduling techniques and resource utilization strategies are efficiently facilitated.
  • Applicable Areas: Performance assessment, scheduling, exploration of resource management and scheduling are the capable use-cases of CloudSim.
  1. GreenCloud:

In cloud data centers, GreenCloud is developed for designing energy usage and this simulation tool is an upgraded version of NS2 network simulator.

  • Characteristics: It primarily concentrates on capability and energy usage. Encircling network links, switches and servers, it offers extensive modeling of data center elements.
  • Applicable Areas: This simulator is highly applicable for enhancement of resource utilization, investigation of energy-efficient data center model and green computing.
  1. iCanCloud:

With the goal of simulating and creating cloud computing systems and applications, iCanCloud acts as an effective cloud simulation environment.

  • Characteristics: Diverse pricing frameworks, multiple cloud providers and the simulation of large-scale data centers are considerably assisted through this simulator. For the purpose of cost evaluation and performance analysis, it offers tools.
  • Applicable Areas: Deployed areas are contrasting of various cloud providers, cost analysis and performance assessment.
  1. EdgeCloudSim:

This simulator mainly concentrates on edge computing conditions and it is an advanced version of CloudSim.

  • Characteristics: Cloud data centers, fog nodes and edge devices are developed. Enables the simulation of edge-cloud communications and IoT applications.
  • Applicable Areas: It involves hybrid cloud-edge platforms, IoT applications and exploration of edge computing.

Measures to Carry out Cloud Simulation

  1. Specify Goals:

The main aim of your simulation should be summarized explicitly. It can be researching energy efficiency, assessing the performance and enhancing the resource utilization.

  1. Configure the Simulation Platform:

By incorporating the specification of load densities, virtual machines, data centers and network topology, select a suitable simulation tool and build the platform.

  1. Design the Cloud Scenario:

For the simulation process, develop frameworks for the specific elements and applications. Scheduling techniques, models of load densities and utilization tactics should be defined.

  1. Execute the Simulation:

Considering the key metrics like cost, response time, energy usage, resource allocation and throughput, implement the simulation and gather data.

  1. Evaluate Results:

In terms of various contexts, write conclusions about the characteristics and functions of cloud platforms by evaluating the simulation findings. To explain the data, deploy visualization and statistical tools.

  1. Verify the Model:

Contrast the results with realistic data or findings from other research for verifying the simulation model to assure the integrity and authenticity.

  1. Enhance and Replicate:

To evaluate enhancements, enhance the cloud set up or techniques and re-execute the simulation on the basis of analysis. To attain the preferred targets and optimize the model, replicate this process.

Example: Implementing CloudSim for Resource Management Simulation

Step 1: Configure CloudSim\

  • Download CloudSim:

From the legitimate repository, install CloudSim.

  • Install Java Development Kit (JDK)

Then download JDK (Java Development Kit) and configure IDE (Integrated Development Environment) such as Eclipse.

Step 2: Specify the Simulation Scenario

  • Data Center Setup: The number of hosts, its particulars like RAM, storage and CPU and energy models must be specified.
  • Virtual Machines (VMs): Incorporating the number of CPU, RAM and VMs, and bandwidth demands, define the setup of VMs.
  • Load Densities: For depicting the load densities which are processed through the VMs, develop Cloudlet objects.

Step 3: Execute Resource Allocation Strategy

  • Resource Utilization Techniques: Diverse resource utilization tactics like FCFS (First Come First Serve), dynamic consolidation and Round Robin techniques need to be executed.

Step 4: Implement the Simulation

  • Run the Simulation: To implement the simulation with the specified setups and load densities, make use of CloudSim’s API.
  • Gather Data: Regarding the metrics such as, energy usage, task termination time and VM allocation, collect data.

Step 5: Evaluate Findings:

  • Performance Analysis: By using gathered metrics, contrast the performance of various resource utilization strategies.
  • Visualization: In order to visualize the performance comparisons, employ graphs and charts. The high-level performance of policies must be detected.

Cloud Computing Simulation Research Ideas

Cloud Computing Simulation Results

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