Writing a synopsis for the PhD is considered as a difficult task among the PhD scholars. The synopsis can be framed easily if we are in good plan on how we are going to conduct our research work.
The following that are discussed here will guide us in writing the synopsis for the PhD research work.
General introduction:
Synopsis writing itself is the shortest representation of the research process so in the introduction of our synopsis we have to mention about the research that we are going to conduct for our PhD.
The introduction part will have to be written with the general information about the research work and for what purpose we are going to conduct our research work.
Fixing topic:
After the general introduction we have to know the field in which we are going to conduct our research work and to select the topic based on the field that we are conducting our research.
We may process our research work in the field that we are interested so as to work with the proper understanding and the demonstration of the existing research work.
To fully understand about our research work and field we have to learn every informative data that is in relevant with the field of our research. We must study the data from the foundation level to the advanced level.
We have to mainly focus on the recent year’s published research journals and read them in order to proceed with our research work.
From those existing research works we have to frame and fix a title for our research work. Our title for the research work should be having innovation while comparing with the previous research works.
Exploring literature:
From all the recently published journals in the field of research work we have to select some important literature of the recent year’s journals to mention them in our synopsis.
The mainly chosen research journals have to be mentioned with the title of the research, the problem that the research is discussing, the solution that the research and we have to provide them in our synopsis writing.
We have to mention the good number of reference researches in our synopsis so as to showcase our knowledge in the research work.
The explored literature should be taken form the standard cites like IEEE, Sci, Scie, Sage, MDPI, etc.., so that these referred literature of the reference journals shall be used by the upcoming researches.
The reference research journals in our synopsis will be useful for us in various aspects throughout the journey of our research work.
Analyzing problem:
From all the referred research journals that are in relevant to our PhD research topic we have to deeply read and understand the problem that is discussed and also we have to find out the gaps in the previous research.
The analyses gaps and the problems that is failed to be explained in the existing research work have to be gathered and we have to mention them in our synopsis of PhD work.
From all the unsaid problem we have to specifically select a problem to research for that in our research work. We have to write the algorithm that is most suitable in developing the problem that we have analyses form the previous research journals.
Providing results:
For the problem that we have analyses we have to find out the appropriate solution to cover the missing data that is not discussed in the existing research works.
The findings of the solution have to be written in our synopsis by mentioning the overall outcome that is providing at the end of the research work.
We must write the method that we are going to follow in processing and predicting the solution for the analyses problem.
The solution should be exclusive for the problem and eye opening information for the researchers who are reading the synopsis of our PhD research work.
For all the reference that we made to get the actual solution for the problem that we mentioned in our synopsis we have to mention the referred journal paper for that particular referred data.
Research working method:
We have to mention what kind of methods we are going to follow in our research process in order to find out the solution and the result.
We have to mention the algorithm and how his algorithm will give the effective result in our research work.
The method and algorithm that we are going to write in our synopsis have to be finalized and mentioned in our synopsis.
The methods that we are writing in our synopsis must bring the actual outcome that we are working to provide in the end of our research work of PhD.
Diagrammatic representation:
We may bring out the work flow or the methodology that is required for the development of this research work in a diagram.
The diagrammatic representation makes the readers of our PhD synopsis to easily understand the work flow and the methods that we are going to follow in our research process.
Standard references listing:
It is mandatory to list out the references that we referred for our synopsis related to the topic of our research work.
The referred journals from the standard site should be based on the recent year’s published journals that have to be written in the synopsis.
We have to mention around twenty standard reference journals in our PhD research synopsis. All the mentioned reference journals must give the abrupt information about our research work.
The cited reference journals will be useful for us throughout the journey of our research work. For the researchers who are going to perform the research in this topic can make use of reference.
After giving all the necessary information that are needed for the development of our research work we have to finally conclude the synopsis by stressing on the development that our research outcome is going to make in the research field.
We should mention the advantages that our research is going to make in the field of our research area and we have to write a final note on how our final outcome will be able to replenish the unsaid gap of the previously referred research journals.
By following these discussed ways we can draft a neat synopsis for our PhD research work.