Network Simulator Master Thesis in Iraq
Network simulator Master Thesis in Iraq is our awesome service starts with the main aspiration of providing a marvellously patterned thesis for your admirable academic research. Our world-class experts offer unlimited guidance and support to our students and research fellows with their highly inventive and innovative ideas. Due to our service and creative ideas, we have ISO standard 9001.2000. Our celebrated brilliants have more high genius knowledge in highly sophisticated and updated skill in uptrend technology. If you feel to utilize our expert’s skills, you can contact us immediately.
Simulator Master Thesis in Iraq
Network simulator Master Thesis in Iraq offer extremely structured thesis for your marvelous cerebral research with our creative and positive thoughts. It is an open-source and event-driven, and packet-level simulation tool to simulate a wide array of networking protocols and networks (local and satellite). Ns2 is coded using two languages, such as C++, for packet processing (fast execution, full control over execution to make simulator scalable) and OTcl for control (network configuration, simulation setup, infrequent actions).
It is significantly supported for simulation of protocols (TCP, RTP, HTTP, and SRM, Routing protocols, namely OLSR, DSDV, AODV, and DSR), mainly focused on networking-based research. We also discuss major Ns2 characteristics, communication entities, few simulation parameters, Ns2 programming development steps, and scripting structure.
Ns2 Characteristics
- Real-time Implementation
- Plumbing makes NS2 as a powerful tool
- Time synchronization
- Event Scheduler
- Extensibility
- Cost Effective
- Scalability
- Object Oriented
- Discrete event Simulation
Major communication Entities in NS2
-The role of nodes is examined also by received packets (source and destination address). According to contention losses, node sends packets on its outgoing interfaces. It is performed by also an object (Classifier). There different classifiers are classified.
- Address Classifier
- Port Classifier
- Multicast also in classifier
- Hash Classifier
- Multipath also in Classifier
-Link is also used to connect node to each other and it is declared by diverse of parameters namely bandwidth, also in lifetime of each packets, every points etc.
-Agent represent endpoints where packets in network layer (constructed and consumed). It provides destination address, its function is also to create/ generate packets and also interface to application class. The agents are also defined by four types.
- TCP agent (Emitting TCP traffic)
- UDP agent (also Emitting UDP traffic)
- TCP Sink agent (also Receipt of TCP traffic)
- NULL agent (Receiving UDP packets)
Foremost Simulation Parameters
- Numerous of nodes
- Network Topologies
- Link Utilization
- Queue Mechanism
- Real traffic data (also saved in text (.txt) file)
- Total time of real captured
Major steps in NS2 programming
Creation of Event Scheduler
- Creating Event schedule
- Schedule Events
- Start scheduler
Open Tracing Files
- Trace packets on all links
- Turn also based on Tracing on exact links
Creating Network/ Topology
- Create Nodes (Compute routes and also setup routing)
- Linking and Queuing (Bandwidth, delay and also queue type)
- It Creating Transport Connections (Agents)
- Creating Traffic (Applications)
-UDP & UDP (Create agents, attach to nodes and also set up connection)
-TCP – TCP sink
-In TCP (Friendly link less Protocols)
–TFRC – TFRC sink
–RAP: Rate Adaptation Protocol (Rate also based AIMD with slow start)
–TCP friendly RCP (Rate Control Protocol) also based on TCP through equation
- Creation of Traffic Applications:
-Use App (Top of agent)
–On top of UDP(CBR)
–On top of TCP (FTP)
-Start and stop app
-FTP (New Application/ FTP)
-Telnet (New Application/ Telnet)
-Traffic Generator
Standardized Scripting Structure
Set ns (New simulator)
- # [Turn on tracing]
- Set ns # Topology Creation
- # Setup link dynamics and packet losses
- Set ns # Create Routing Agents
- # Create Multicast Group
- Set ns # Create Protocol Agents
- # Create Application and Setup Traffic Resource
- Set ns # Post Processing
- # Start Simulation
We are also aforementioned very little information about the NS2 simulator. If you want to learn more from us, you can also directly (face to face) or indirectly (phone call or mail) contact us. We are eager to serve you with our wholehearted. We also always welcome you for your grand future