How to Run LTE NS3

How to Run LTE NS3 – it is typically a simulation model on the basis of software library to perform the LTE network simulation and this process of simulation partially includes the Evolved Packet Core (EPC).

Naturally, the LTE NS3simulation encompasses the steps from describing the simulating conditions to the network to be simulated.

“This article is highly focuses on the simulation process over the LTE network by using the simulator. Through this article, we let you know the simulation process, required modules, equipment and our experience over the simulating experiments.” 

Advantages of NS3

  • Enabled with optimized propagation loss model for LTE E-UTRAN interface
  • Calculates the packet loss during propagation in the PHY layer
  • SINR is calculated by the Spectrum Interference Model at the initiation of LteSpectrumPHY::StartRX () operation

The above are the major uses of the NS3 simulator. The simulation purpose is able to be used for the research purpose. As we are all know the simulation process can be implemented theoretically and the practical implementation of the simulation is expensive. Here we provide you our simulation module and its purpose. 

Fundamental of NS3 module

In order to generate the algorithm function of a2-a4-rsrq-handover and a3-rsrp-handover, we are suggesting the enodeB devices and the UE node on the basis of LTE is appropriable. Along with the modules, we provide you the plugins for NS3 Examples as following, 

Notable plugins for NS3

For the simulation process, it has typically provided with the LTE plugin and it is considered as the appropriate plugin for the NS3 and its simulation process.

Impressive LTE NS3 classes

  • LteControlMessage: it acts as controller for the message transfer. It affords to implement the fundamental elements that are interchanged among the UE and EnodeB like CQIfeedbacks and distributing PDCCH map.
  • LteHexGridEnbTopologyHelper: These class functions used to permit to create topology with clusters eNodeB on a hexagonal grid placed by three-sector sites.

The above mentioned classes are the fundamental elements to perform the LTE simulation and not only the classes are important, but also the following integrated tools. Along with the classes, we provide you the list of our integrated tools as follows. 

List of integrated LTE tools

In order to generate the IoT simulate on the basis of NS3, we generally incorporate the NS3 with Cooja simulator to obtain effective simulation results.

As the integrated tools are important for simulation, the programming languages are also important for the simulation process. Here we provide you our suggestion on the programming languages for NS3 

LTE NS3 programming languages

  • For NS3, we use the programming languages of C++ and TCL

As we are giving importance to the programming languages, we must concentrate on the OS for an effective simulating implementation. To be precise, the operating systems are more important while performing simulation. Here are our suggestions over the operating system. 

Supporting NS3 Operating Systems
  • Intel® Pentium(R) CPU G2030 @ 3.00GHz × 2 (Processor)
  • 4 GB (RAM)
  • 32-bit Operating System (System Type)

And the supporting OS are

  • Contiki-2.7
  • Ubuntu-14.04
  • Windows-7 32 bit

The mentioned system types and the operating Systems are the essential factors to perform an effective NS3 simulation. In addition to the above OS, we provide you our NS3 tools and its versions. 

Inventive NS3 tools and versions

  • Cooja-2.7
  • NS-3.26
  • NS-3.31

The above given list are the tools of our sample tools for the simulation. In order to perform an effective simulation, we have to implement the above tools with its apt versions. Apart from the above tools, we provide you our list of protocols below. 

Remarkable LTE NS3 protocols

  • Non-Access Stratum (NAS): it is the control plane among UE and MME with highest bandwidth. The main functions of this protocol are follows,
    • Enables IP link among PDN GW and UE
    • Launching and upholding IP connectivity
    • Sustaining session management protocols
    • Supporting UE mobility
  • X2 application protocol: it is a typical control plane enables the signaling on the X2 interface and it enables the signals among the eNodeB and E-UTRAN. It also enables the mobility procedures in UE and affords worldwide connectivity among two eNB

In addition to the above protocols for NS3, plays vital role both in the network service, data transmission and in browsing etc. We give you the list of our subjects used in LTENS3 simulator as follows. 

LTE NS3 SimulationRemarkable LTE subjects

  • Network routing

We can achieve the routing process among OLSR and AODV as the LTE nodes sending requests to the regional eNodeB station and it transmits the request it signals to the nearby relay nodes to reach the Wi-Fi nodes and signaling through PDN gateway to reach the remote host

  • Wireless Sensor Network

We can make the possible data transmission among the sensor and the adjacent base station by the clustering the IoT sensing platform, geographically independent groups of various nodes, Macro eNBs to transmit the packets correspondingly to the remote server by using LTE-M and IP network.

  • Wireless communication

The nature of the network is to provide a standard wireless communication. But it also enables the high speed data and it extends until high speed point-to-point wireless communications.

Laterally with the subjects, that positions important place in LTE networking, we provide you the result analysis of the LTENS3 simulator of various parameters. It helps you to refer the results of LTENS3 under various metrics as defined below. 

Experimental study of NS3 simulator

  • Bandwidth consumption: it calculates the quantity of bandwidth taken by the network to transfer the data packets from one node to another in a given time. it is measured as bitrate and expressed in terms of bits/second (bps)
  • SINR: it used to calculate the bond among the throughput and the RF conditions and it measures the quality of the signal used by the LTE industry commonly but not suitable to implement with 3GPP spectrums
  • Cumulative Distribution Function: it is used to compute CDF for the data and it is measured at the interim of UE throughput basis.

These are our general and sample outcomes after running simulator over LTE network. As a matter of fact, the simulation results may vary according to the applications of our required functions. Along with the parameters, we provide you the modules of LTENS3. 

Notable LTE Network Simulator 3 modules

As the simulator applying on the LTE network, the LTE itself become a best module as per our suggestion. With the importance of the modules, we give you the syntax for LTE NS3 simulation 

LTE Network Simulator SYNTAX


LteHarqPhy::SubframeIndication (uint32_t frameNo, uint32_t subframeNo)



// left shift UL HARQ buffers

std::map <uint16_t, std::vector <HarqProcessInfoList_t> >::iterator it;

for (it = m_miUlHarqProcessesInfoMap.begin (); it != m_miUlHarqProcessesInfoMap.end (); it++)


(*it).second.erase ((*it).second.begin ());

HarqProcessInfoList_t h;

(*it).second.push_back (h);




LteHarqPhy::GetAccumulatedMiDl (uint8_t harqProcId, uint8_t layer)


NS_LOG_FUNCTION (this << (uint32_t)harqProcId << (uint16_t)layer);

HarqProcessInfoList_t list = (layer).at (harqProcId);

double mi = 0.0;

for (uint8_t i = 0; i < list.size (); i++)


mi += (i).m_mi;


return (mi);



LteHarqPhy::GetHarqProcessInfoDl (uint8_t harqProcId, uint8_t layer)


NS_LOG_FUNCTION (this << (uint32_t)harqProcId << (uint16_t)layer);

return ( (layer).at (harqProcId));


Like the variance we met in the simulation purposes, the syntaxes can also vary according to the implement of process. For instance, the above syntax has provided for the process of LTE Harq PHY layer. Here we provide you the list of LTENS3 applications

Future LTE NS3 applications

  • Wearable sensor applications: These types of applications are trending in the smart watches and the user can get its facility with maximum throughput afforded by LTE. The scope of this device will get higher if the sensor integrates with cellular coverage
  • V2X application: it is generally functions on the basis of Intellectual Transport System, and its objective is to enable communication or data transmission between the vehicle to anything like human, network, an organization etc.
  • Secure application: this type of application commonly used to ensure the security of the users by disabling the unauthorized access, end-to-end encryption and by enabling the AS and NAS security features for a secured data transmission.

Some of the provided applications we have provided above are the real time applications and most of them are implementing in the smart city projects. Hence the LTE NS3 applications are having promising future. Along with those applications, we provide you the algorithms we used for the NS3 simulation 

Prominent LTE NS3 algorithms

  • Position based power planning algorithm: used in the LTE-A for rational resource allocation
  • Efficient Resource Allocation: it is used to increase the quantity of V2I users (V2I-UEs) and assuring the reliability need of V2V users.
  • Particle Swarm Optimization: it is used to structure the resource block distribution. The other uses of PSO are
    • Increasing system throughput
    • Satisfying the QoS
    • Accomplishing MCS selection limitation

The above mentioned algorithms are our remarkable but sample algorithms used for the research purpose. We have various LTE NS3 algorithms for the experimental approach. Besides the algorithms, we provide you the major areas of NS3. In addition to our algorithms, we provide you the areas Vehicular Ad Hoc Network Projects of NS3 simulation 

LTE NS3 Research areas

  • Three-tier construction of WBAN, which transfers the radio signals from the ZigBee/BLE device
  • M2M process in LTE network, transferring the data from M2M equipment to the correspondent application server.

The above research areas are considered as the research issues by our project developers and these two areas have promising research future. Along with the research areas, we provide you the important steps in the NS3 as follows. 

LTE NS3 Process

The signal transfer starts from the STATUS PDU of the eNB physical layer and from there, the received PDU scheduled the signal into the eNB forwarded to MAC layer and the transmission occurs in the RLC with the received PDU and it moves the received signals to the PDU retransmission buffer. Finally, it forwards the transmitted PDU to the MAC layer of the sender side.

The above mentioned process is the core process in the Lower LTE radio protocol Stack architecture in an eNB. It is considered to be vital as the major signal transmission to each layers are involved in this process. Following the process, we provide you the major steps of NS3, 

Prominent LTE NS3 steps

There are two types channel involved in this process

  • Uplink Channel
  • Downlink Channel

The fundamental function of this channel is to transmit the data to the each layer of the UE from PHY, to the MAC, RLC, PCDP layers. The major function of these layers is to send and receive packets of the UeLTESpectrumPHY portion of each layer. Besides the above steps, we provide you our important routing protocols of LTE. 

Our best LTE NS3 routing protocols

  • Adaptive Distance Vector Routing

It is used to alter the routing updates of the failed transmission. It keeps flag at the entry of the receiver, which enables the user to know whether the transmission is active or inactive. It can also be used as the adaptive instrument to respond the dynamic patterns and network load

  • Dual-Hybrid Adaptive Routing

This protocol prominently uses the distributed dynamic cluster algorithm in order to separate the network as certain overlapping grouping nodes by consisting one cluster of nodes to the single node. It utilizes the dynamic binding protocol to identify the connectivity between cluster ID and destination. In addition to the important routing protocols of the LTE NS3, we are reaching the end part of the article along with our project title suggestions given below. 

Innovative LTE NS3 projects

  • We can help you in making projects on sensed data transmission process in selected routing with the help of NS3
  • We can help you in making projects on sensed packet transmission process on the basis of relay with the help of LTE
  • We help you in making projects on cluster packet transmission process with the help of NS3

The growing networking field is based on our needs on technology. We need fast browsing, high quality video streaming, and the fastest data transmission. In order to satisfy all our needs, network modifies itself day by day and doing projects on the advancing LTE networking has a promising future. How to Run LTE NS3? We provide you our best service in low cost for project, assignment, and homework. So grab the opportunity to work with us!!