Network Simulator Master Thesis in United Arab Emirates
Network Simulator Master Thesis in United Arab Emirates offers our miraculous thesis preparation service for you with our immeasurable support and awesome intellectual guidance. We started our wondrous service with our outstanding brilliants from all over the globe. For this reason, we make 5000+ world celebrated experts with our awe-exiting guidance and support from 120+ countries.
Today, a wide range of students and research fellows select an extensively popular NS2 simulator due to its real-time scenario. NS2 will support your academic performance and careers. So, you dial our number on your mobile immediately. We also provide both online and offline services. You can also approach us at any time via mail or phone call to get 24/7 dedicated expert’s assistance.
Simulator Master Thesis in United Arab Emirates
Network Simulator Master Thesis in United Arab Emirates is one of our miraculous services to provide very much structured thesis for you with the help of our highly dedicated experts and also high-tech knowledgeable developers. Today, most of the researchers and students have more knowledge on the theoretical part; but few members only have knowledge based on program implementation.
We must have sufficient good knowledge in both parts to implement your project as highly proficient and effective. Thus, we provide complete guidance with inclusive, practical explanations to gain more technical knowledge. Our universal level certified brilliants offer inclusive tutorials service also for your NS2 implementation. Our main goal is to offer supreme knowledge in NS2 programming. Now, we also offer a simple tutorial about NS2 programming also for your best understanding.
About Ns2 Programming
Ns2 is the most popular simulator used to mimic network behavior as network topology creation and log events.
Ns2 Programming Languages
- C++ as a backend (to regulate functionality of protocols and creation of new protocol)
- TCL as a frontend (Network configuration)
Major NS2 commands
Step 1: Command to start network simulation
$ns Run
Step 2: Command to start network simulation using NS2 command
Set ns [new simulator]
Above mentioned syntax is the top line in TCL script. First declare “ns” variable by Set command
Step 3: Command for create and open trace file (Trace file is used to store simulation data which is used to output)
Set tracefile1 [open w]
$ns trace-all $tracefile1
“tracefile1”: It is a file handler and called by its pointer (to handle trace file)
“Open”: open trace file
“W”: Write command (write in trace file)
Step 4: Command for create and open NAM files (Display complete result)
Set namfile [open out.nam w]
$ns nametrace-all $namfile
“namfile”: It is called by its pointer
Step 5: Command to create node in Network Simulator 2
Set n1 [$ns node]
Step 6: Command to create variable in Network Simulator 2
Set MyRng1 [new RNG] //Random variable creation
$MyRng2 seed2
There are several distributions used to create random variables such as constand, pareto, uniform and exponential in NS2.
Step 7: Final command for program termination
// Procedure for “finish”
Proc finish {}
global ns namfile tracefile1
$ns flush-trace
//Command for close Namfile
Close $ namfile
//Command for close trace file
Close $tracefile1
//Command for close nam file
close namfil
// NAM execution process on trace file
exec open out.nam &
exit 0
We also previously provided some basic commands and syntax for you, which provide complete assistance to implement Ns2 based applications. If you also desire to learn extremely sophisticated programming concepts to develop highly complicated applications. We also always offer our complete guide to make as universal graded developers in this competitive world. If you wish to connect with us, you can also contact us through your phone call or mail. We always welcome you.