Best Journals to Publish Research Papers in Computer Science

Best Journals to Publish Research Papers in Computer Science are recommended by Our specialists will provide you with highly reputable journals with a significant impact factor. Additionally, we will furnish you with a comprehensive Journal Selection report detailing the rationale behind the choices made to align with your specific requirements.

Keep in mind that the specific availability and names of journals can change, and it’s crucial to verify the current status and credibility of any journal before submitting your research.

  1. Journal of Computer and Communications (JCC)
  2. Journal of Software Engineering and Applications (JSEA)
  3. Journal of Information Security (JIS)
  4. International Journal of Internet and Distributed Systems (IJIDS)
  5. Journal of Data Analysis and Information Processing (JDAIP)
  6. Journal of Computer Networks and Communications (JCNC)
  7. Journal of Signal and Information Processing (JSIP)
  8. International Journal of Communications, Network and System Sciences (IJCNS)
  9. Open Journal of Modelling and Simulation (OJMSi)
  10. Journal of Intelligent Learning Systems and Applications (JILSA)

However, it’s important to note that the exact number of journals and their focus areas might change over time, so it’s always a good idea to check Hindawi’s official website for the most current information.

  1. Advances in Artificial Intelligence
  2. Advances in Multimedia
  3. Artificial Intelligence and Robotics
  4. Complexity
  5. Computational Intelligence and Neuroscience
  6. Computational and Mathematical Methods in Medicine
  7. Computer Games Technology
  8. Data Science and Engineering
  9. Discrete Dynamics in Nature and Society
  10. International Journal of Aerospace Engineering
  11. International Journal of Antennas and Propagation
  12. International Journal of Computer Games Technology
  13. International Journal of Distributed Sensor Networks
  14. International Journal of Reconfigurable Computing
  15. Journal of Applied Mathematics
  16. Journal of Computer Networks and Communications
  17. Journal of Electrical and Computer Engineering
  18. Journal of Robotics
  19. Journal of Sensors
  20. Mathematical Problems in Engineering
  21. Mobile Computing and Applications
  22. Mobile Information Systems
  23. Modelling and Simulation in Engineering
  24. Security and Communication Networks
  25. Wireless Communications and Mobile Computing

List of Journals to Publish Research Papers in Computer Science

Explore the insights shared in the field of computer science. Our proficient writers will meticulously craft your paper to perfection. Benefit from enhanced decision-making capabilities by gaining further insights into the selected journals through our publication department. The following journals are aided by us so make use of our services. Journal Title ISSN Sci categories
1. Artificial Intelligence and Law 9248463 Artificial Intelligence
2. IEICE Transactions on Information and Systems 9168532 Artificial Intelligence
3. Information Sciences 200255 Artificial Intelligence
4. Journal of Consciousness Studies 13558250 Artificial Intelligence
5. Microprocessors and Microsystems 1419331 Artificial Intelligence
6. RAIRO – Operations Research 3990559 Theoretical Computer Science
7. Information Processing Letters 200190 Theoretical Computer Science
8. Information Sciences 200255 Theoretical Computer Science
9. Information Systems Frontiers 13873326 Theoretical Computer Science
10. New Generation Computing 2883635 Theoretical Computer Science
11. Robotics and Autonomous Systems 9218890 Software
12. Robotics and Computer-Integrated Manufacturing 7365845 Software
13. Advances in Engineering Software 9659978 Software
14. ACM Transactions on Mathematical Software 983500 Software
15. ACM Transactions on Software Engineering and Methodology 1049331X Software
16. AUTONOMOUS ROBOTS 0929-5593 Robotics
21. GEO-SPATIAL INFORMATION SCIENCE 1009-5020 Remote Sensing
22. GISCIENCE & REMOTE SENSING 1548-1603 Remote Sensing
23. GPS SOLUTIONS 1080-5370 Remote Sensing
26. Decision Support Systems 1679236 Information Systems and Management
27. European Journal of Operational Research 3772217 Information Systems and Management
28. Data and Knowledge Engineering 0169023X Information Systems and Management
29. Knowledge-Based Systems 9507051 Information Systems and Management
30. Network Security 13534858 Information Systems and Management
31. Accounting, Organizations and Society 3613682 Information Systems and Management
32. Critical Perspectives on Accounting 10452354 Information Systems and Management
33. International Journal of Accounting Information Systems 14670895 Information Systems and Management
34. International Journal of Networking and Virtual Organisations 14709503 Information Systems and Management
35. Foundry Trade Journal International 17589789 Information Systems and Management
36. Wireless Communications and Mobile Computing 15308669 Information Systems
37. Wireless Networks 10220038 Information Systems
38. Requirements Engineering 9473602 Information Systems
39. Information and Software Technology 9505849 Information Systems
40. ACM Transactions on Information Systems 10468188 Information Systems
41. International Journal of Computer Applications in Technology 9528091 Information Systems
42. International Journal on Software Tools for Technology Transfer 14332779 Information Systems
43. Journal of Systems and Software 1641212 Information Systems
44. Technology and Health Care 9287329 Information Systems
45. Journal of Organizational Computing and Electronic Commerce 10919392 Information Systems
46. Lecture Notes in Earth System Sciences 2193858X Computers in Earth Sciences
47. Earth Systems and Environment 25099426 Computers in Earth Sciences
48. KN – Journal of Cartography and Geographic Information 25244957 Computers in Earth Sciences
49. Geophysical Research 18183735 Computers in Earth Sciences
50. Geomatics and Environmental Engineering 18981135 Computers in Earth Sciences
51. International Journal of Imaging Systems and Technology 8999457 Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition
52. IEEE International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems   Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition
53. International Journal of Computer Vision 9205691 Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition
54. Moshi Shibie yu Rengong Zhineng/Pattern Recognition and Artificial Intelligence 10036059 Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition
55. Proceedings of the IEEE International Conference on Computer Vision   Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition
56. International Journal on Document Analysis and Recognition 14332833 Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition
57. Machine Graphics and Vision 12300535 Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition
58. Information Visualization 14738716 Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition
59. Pattern Recognition and Image Analysis 10546618 Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition
60. International journal of computer assisted radiology and surgery 18616410 Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition
61. ARTIFICIAL LIFE 1064-5462 Computer Science, Theory & Methods
62. BIG DATA 2167-6461 Computer Science, Theory & Methods
63. BIG DATA RESEARCH 2214-5796 Computer Science, Theory & Methods
65. COMBINATORICS PROBABILITY & COMPUTING 0963-5483 Computer Science, Theory & Methods
66. AUTOMATED SOFTWARE ENGINEERING 0928-8910 Computer Science, Software Engineering
67. BIT NUMERICAL MATHEMATICS 0006-3835 Computer Science, Software Engineering
68. COMMUNICATIONS OF THE ACM 0001-0782 Computer Science, Software Engineering
69. COMPUTATIONAL VISUAL MEDIA 2096-0433 Computer Science, Software Engineering
70. COMPUTER 0018-9162 Computer Science, Software Engineering
71. COMPUTATIONAL LINGUISTICS 0891-2017 Computer Science, Interdisciplinary Applications
72. COMPUTATIONAL STATISTICS & DATA ANALYSIS 0167-9473 Computer Science, Interdisciplinary Applications
73. COMPUTER-AIDED CIVIL AND INFRASTRUCTURE ENGINEERING 1093-9687 Computer Science, Interdisciplinary Applications
74. COMPUTER APPLICATIONS IN ENGINEERING EDUCATION 1061-3773 Computer Science, Interdisciplinary Applications
75. COMPUTER METHODS AND PROGRAMS IN BIOMEDICINE 0169-2607 Computer Science, Interdisciplinary Applications
76. COMPUTER METHODS IN BIOMECHANICS AND BIOMEDICAL ENGINEERING 1025-5842 Computer Science, Interdisciplinary Applications
77. COMPUTER MUSIC JOURNAL 0148-9267 Computer Science, Interdisciplinary Applications
78. COMPUTER PHYSICS COMMUNICATIONS 0010-4655 Computer Science, Interdisciplinary Applications
79. COMPUTERS AND CONCRETE 1598-8198 Computer Science, Interdisciplinary Applications
80. COMPUTERS AND ELECTRONICS IN AGRICULTURE 0168-1699 Computer Science, Interdisciplinary Applications
81. INFORMATION RETRIEVAL JOURNAL 1386-4564 Computer Science, Information Systems
82. INFORMATION SCIENCES 0020-0255 Computer Science, Information Systems
83. INFORMATION SYSTEMS 0306-4379 Computer Science, Information Systems
84. INFORMATION SYSTEMS FRONTIERS 1387-3326 Computer Science, Information Systems
85. INFORMATION SYSTEMS MANAGEMENT 1058-0530 Computer Science, Information Systems
86. INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY AND CONTROL 1392-124X Computer Science, Information Systems
87. INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY AND LIBRARIES 0730-9295 Computer Science, Information Systems
88. INTERNATIONAL ARAB JOURNAL OF INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY 1683-3198 Computer Science, Information Systems
89. INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF AD HOC AND UBIQUITOUS COMPUTING 1743-8225 Computer Science, Information Systems
91. JOURNAL OF COMPUTER SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY 1000-9000 Computer Science, Hardware & Architecture
92. JOURNAL OF NETWORK AND COMPUTER APPLICATIONS 1084-8045 Computer Science, Hardware & Architecture
93. JOURNAL OF OPTICAL COMMUNICATIONS AND NETWORKING 1943-0620 Computer Science, Hardware & Architecture
94. JOURNAL OF SUPERCOMPUTING 0920-8542 Computer Science, Hardware & Architecture
95. JOURNAL OF SYSTEMS ARCHITECTURE 1383-7621 Computer Science, Hardware & Architecture
96. ACM TRANSACTIONS ON COMPUTER-HUMAN INTERACTION 1073-0516 Computer Science, Cybernetics
97. BIOLOGICAL CYBERNETICS 0340-1200 Computer Science, Cybernetics
98. ENTERTAINMENT COMPUTING 1875-9521 Computer Science, Cybernetics
99. HUMAN-COMPUTER INTERACTION 0737-0024 Computer Science, Cybernetics
100. IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON AFFECTIVE COMPUTING 1949-3045 Computer Science, Cybernetics
101. APPLIED SOFT COMPUTING 1568-4946 Computer Science, Artificial Intelligence
102. ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE 0004-3702 Computer Science, Artificial Intelligence
103. ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE AND LAW 0924-8463 Computer Science, Artificial Intelligence
104. ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE IN MEDICINE 0933-3657 Computer Science, Artificial Intelligence
105. ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE REVIEW 0269-2821 Computer Science, Artificial Intelligence
106. ARTIFICIAL LIFE 1064-5462 Computer Science, Artificial Intelligence
107. AUTONOMOUS AGENTS AND MULTI-AGENT SYSTEMS 1387-2532 Computer Science, Artificial Intelligence
108. AUTONOMOUS ROBOTS 0929-5593 Computer Science, Artificial Intelligence
109. BIG DATA RESEARCH 2214-5796 Computer Science, Artificial Intelligence
110. CAAI TRANSACTIONS ON INTELLIGENCE TECHNOLOGY 2468-6557 Computer Science, Artificial Intelligence
111. User Modeling and User-Adapted Interaction 9241868 Computer Science Applications
112. ITU News 10204148 Computer Science Applications
113. ACM Transactions on Information Systems 10468188 Computer Science Applications
114. Computational Economics 9277099 Computer Science Applications
115. IEEE/ASME Transactions on Mechatronics 10834435 Computer Science Applications
116. Queueing Systems 2570130 Computer Science Applications
117. Industrial Management and Data Systems 2635577 Computer Science Applications
118. International Journal of Computer Applications in Technology 9528091 Computer Science Applications
119. International Journal of Human-Computer Interaction 10447318 Computer Science Applications
120. International Journal of Network Management 10557148 Computer Science Applications
121. Studies in Fuzziness and Soft Computing 14349922 Computer Science (miscellaneous)
122. Journal of Systems Science and Complexity 10096124 Computer Science (miscellaneous)
123. Foundations and Trends in Information Retrieval 15540669 Computer Science (miscellaneous)
124. Chongqing Daxue Xuebao/Journal of Chongqing University 1000582X Computer Science (miscellaneous)
125. Annual Review of CyberTherapy and Telemedicine 15548716 Computer Science (miscellaneous)
126. International Journal of Computational Intelligence Systems 18756891 Computer Science (all)
127. Advances in Electrical and Computer Engineering 15827445 Computer Science (all)
128. Acta Scientiarum – Technology 18062563 Computer Science (all)
129. Computer Science and Information Systems 18200214 Computer Science (all)
130. Journal of Ambient Intelligence and Humanized Computing 18685137 Computer Science (all)
131. International Journal of Social Robotics 18754791 Computer Science (all)
132. International Arab Journal of Information Technology 16833198 Computer Science (all)
133. Annales Mathematicae et Informaticae 17875021 Computer Science (all)
134. Scientific Annals of Computer Science 18438121 Computer Science (all)
135. Science China Information Sciences 1674733X Computer Science (all)
136. Information Systems Frontiers 13873326 Computer Networks and Communications
137. Information Systems Research 10477047 Computer Networks and Communications
138. New Generation Computing 2883635 Computer Networks and Communications
139. International Journal of Information Management 2684012 Computer Networks and Communications
140. International Journal of Web Engineering and Technology 14761289 Computer Networks and Communications
141. ACM Transactions on Internet Technology 15335399 Computer Networks and Communications
142. IEEE Internet Computing 10897801 Computer Networks and Communications
143. International Journal of Web Services Research 15457362 Computer Networks and Communications
144. Internet and Higher Education 10967516 Computer Networks and Communications
145. IEEE Communications Magazine 1636804 Computer Networks and Communications
146. Computer Aided Geometric Design 1678396 Computer Graphics and Computer-Aided Design
147. Computer Graphics Forum 1677055 Computer Graphics and Computer-Aided Design
148. Computers and Graphics 978493 Computer Graphics and Computer-Aided Design
149. Graphical Models 15240703 Computer Graphics and Computer-Aided Design
150. Proceedings – Graphics Interface 7135424 Computer Graphics and Computer-Aided Design
151. Advanced Engineering Informatics 14740346 Artificial Intelligence
152. Annals of Mathematics and Artificial Intelligence 10122443 Artificial Intelligence
153. Applied Artificial Intelligence 8839514 Artificial Intelligence
154. Applied Intelligence 0924669X Artificial Intelligence
155. Artificial Intelligence 43702 Artificial Intelligence
156. IBM Journal of Research and Development 188646 Computer Science (all)
157. Computers in Libraries 10417915 Computer Science (all)
158. Computers and Education 3601315 Computer Science (all)
159. Proceedings of the IEEE 189219 Computer Science (all)
160. Biological Cybernetics 3401200 Computer Science (all)
161. Computer Applications in Engineering Education 10613773 Computer Science (all)
162. Computers and Electrical Engineering 457906 Computer Science (all)
163. Computers and Fluids 457930 Computer Science (all)
164. Computers and Industrial Engineering 3608352 Computer Science (all)
165. Proceedings – IEEE INFOCOM 0743166X Computer Science (all)
166. Information Processing and Management 3064573 Computer Science Applications
167. International Journal of Technology Management 2675730 Computer Science Applications
168. Xitong Gongcheng Lilun yu Shijian/System Engineering Theory and Practice 10006788 Computer Science Applications
169. Machine Vision and Applications 9328092 Computer Science Applications
170. RAIRO – Operations Research 3990559 Computer Science Applications
171. INTELLIGENT AUTOMATION AND SOFT COMPUTING 1079-8587 Computer Science, Artificial Intelligence
172. INTELLIGENT DATA ANALYSIS 1088-467X Computer Science, Artificial Intelligence
173. INTERNATIONAL ARAB JOURNAL OF INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY 1683-3198 Computer Science, Artificial Intelligence
175. INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF APPROXIMATE REASONING 0888-613X Computer Science, Artificial Intelligence
176. APPLIED ONTOLOGY 1570-5838 Computer Science, Information Systems
177. ASLIB JOURNAL OF INFORMATION MANAGEMENT 2050-3806 Computer Science, Information Systems
178. BELL LABS TECHNICAL JOURNAL 1089-7089 Computer Science, Information Systems
179. BIG DATA RESEARCH 2214-5796 Computer Science, Information Systems
180. BUSINESS & INFORMATION SYSTEMS ENGINEERING 2363-7005 Computer Science, Information Systems
181. Cybernetics and Physics 22237038 Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition
182. Computer Science 15082806 Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition
183. Visualization in Engineering   Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition
184. International Journal of Computer-Assisted Language Learning and Teaching 21557098 Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition
185. Advanced Biomedical Engineering   Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition
186. Journal of China Universities of Posts and Telecommunications 10058885 Information Systems
187. Tongxin Xuebao/Journal on Communications 1000436X Information Systems
188. Journal of Communications and Networks 12292370 Information Systems
189. NEC Technical Journal 18805884 Information Systems
190. Journal of Real-Time Image Processing 18618200 Information Systems
191. Journal of Systems Science and Complexity 10096124 Information Systems
192. International Journal on Semantic Web and Information Systems 15526283 Information Systems
193. Foundations and Trends in Information Retrieval 15540669 Information Systems
194. Eurasip Journal on Image and Video Processing 16875176 Information Systems
195. IET Information Security 17518709 Information Systems
196. ACM TRANSACTIONS ON INTERNET TECHNOLOGY 1533-5399 Computer Science, Software Engineering
197. ACM TRANSACTIONS ON KNOWLEDGE DISCOVERY FROM DATA 1556-4681 Computer Science, Software Engineering
198. ACM TRANSACTIONS ON MATHEMATICAL SOFTWARE 0098-3500 Computer Science, Software Engineering
200. ACM TRANSACTIONS ON PROGRAMMING LANGUAGES AND SYSTEMS 0164-0925 Computer Science, Software Engineering