Journal Publishing Services are offered by where we offer fast and easy publication services on free journal. Get in touch with us for journal writing services, editing and proofreading we provide all PhD publication support.
Here’s a general overview of the typical journal publishing process:
- Preparation and Submission
- Selecting the Right Journal: Choose a journal that matches the subject area and scope of your research. Consider the journal’s audience, impact factor, open access policies, and publication fees.
- Preparing the Manuscript: Follow the journal’s specific author guidelines for formatting, structuring (e.g., abstract, introduction, methods, results, discussion), and referencing your manuscript. Ensure your research adheres to ethical standards.
- Submission: Submit your manuscript through the journal’s online submission system. This typically involves creating an account, filling out author details, uploading your manuscript and any supplementary files, and sometimes suggesting potential reviewers.
- Peer Review
- Initial Screening: The editor first checks if the manuscript fits the journal’s scope and meets basic quality and formatting criteria. If it doesn’t, it may be rejected without review.
- Peer Review Process: If the manuscript passes the initial screening, it undergoes peer review, where experts in the field (reviewers) evaluate the manuscript’s originality, methodology, significance, and clarity.
- Decision and Revisions: Based on reviewers’ feedback, the editor makes a decision: accept, minor revisions, major revisions, or reject. Authors may need to revise their manuscript to address reviewers’ comments and resubmit it for further review.
- Acceptance and Production
- Acceptance: Once the manuscript meets all requirements and the editor is satisfied with the revisions (if any were necessary), the paper is formally accepted for publication.
- Copyediting and Typesetting: The manuscript undergoes copyediting for grammar, punctuation, and formatting. Then, it’s typeset according to the journal’s style.
- Proofs: Authors are sent proofs to check for any errors. This is the last opportunity for authors to make minor corrections.
- Publication
- Online First: Many journals offer early online publication before the paper is included in a specific issue.
- Issue Publication: The article is published in an issue of the journal, available online, and, if applicable, in print. The publication date marks the official date of the article’s release.
- Post-Publication
- Promotion: Authors and journals often promote the article through social media, press releases, and academic networks to increase visibility.
- Tracking Impact: Authors can track citations and the impact of their research through tools like Google Scholar, Web of Science, and Scopus.
Tips for a Smooth Publication Process
- Thoroughly Research Journals: Before submission, ensure the journal’s aims and scope align with your paper.
- Carefully Address Reviewer Comments: Provide detailed responses to all reviewer comments and clearly explain the changes made to the manuscript.
- Understand Open Access Options: Be aware of the differences between traditional and open access publishing, including potential costs.
- Follow Ethical Guidelines: Ensure your work complies with ethical standards regarding plagiarism, data falsification, and authorship.
30 best paper publishers for journal publishing
Each publisher has its own portfolio of journals, books, and other academic content, serving researchers around the world.
1. Elsevier
One of the largest publishers of scientific, technical, and medical research, offering a wide range of journals and databases.
2. Springer Nature
Publishes a broad array of research through journals, books, and conference proceedings, covering various fields.
3. Wiley
Offers extensive academic and professional content, including journals and books across multiple disciplines.
4. Taylor & Francis
Publishes scholarly journals, books, and online resources across academic disciplines.
5. SAGE Publications
Focuses on social and behavioral sciences, providing a wide range of journals and digital products.
6. Oxford University Press (OUP)
A department of the University of Oxford, publishing a wide range of academic and research journals.
7. Cambridge University Press
Publishes academic books, journals, and digital products across a wide range of subjects.
8. IEEE (Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers)
Known for its high-impact journals in electrical engineering, computer science, and related fields.
9. ACM (Association for Computing Machinery)
Publishes premier journals and proceedings in computing and information technology.
10. Emerald Publishing
Specializes in business, management, and economics journals, but also covers other social sciences.
11. Royal Society of Chemistry (RSC)
Publishes leading journals in chemistry and related fields.
12. American Chemical Society (ACS)
A major scientific society publishing high-quality research journals in chemistry and related sciences.
13. American Physical Society (APS)
Publishes prominent physics journals.
14. PLOS (Public Library of Science)
A leader in open access publishing across various fields of science and medicine.
15. MDPI (Multidisciplinary Digital Publishing Institute)
Offers a wide range of open access journals covering diverse academic disciplines.
16. Hindawi
An open access publisher covering a wide array of scientific and technical subjects.
17. BMJ Publishing Group
Publishes leading medical journals and offers educational and clinical decision support.
18. Wolters Kluwer Health
Publishes medical, nursing, and allied health journals and textbooks.
19. Nature Publishing Group (Part of Springer Nature)
High-impact journals in science, including the flagship journal Nature.
20. Annual Reviews
Publishes authoritative review journals across biomedical, life, physical, and social sciences.
21. American Society of Civil Engineers (ASCE)
Offers journals, conference proceedings, and books in civil engineering.
22. Institute of Physics (IOP) Publishing
Publishes leading scientific research in the field of physics.
23. Brill
Publishes books and journals in humanities, social sciences, law, and biology.
24. De Gruyter
Offers a wide range of academic research in humanities, sciences, and social sciences.
25. Karger Publishers
Specializes in medical and scientific publishing.
26. American Psychological Association (APA)
Publishes key psychology journals and books.
27. Informa Healthcare
Journals, books, and databases in the life sciences, pharmaceuticals, and healthcare.
28. Inderscience Publishers
Covers science, engineering, computing, and business management.
29. World Scientific
Publishes academic books and journals in various fields, including physics and mathematics.
30. Frontiers
An open access publisher with journals across a broad range of academic disciplines.
List Of High Impact Journal Publishing Services
List Of High Impact Journal Publishing Services that are assisted by us are given below so be in touch with where we will give Guidance to journal selection and assure you with best result. For both paid and non-paid journal we will guide you from beginning to end with writing assistance. | Journal Title | ISSN | Subjects |
1. | Advances in Environmental Biology | 19950756 | Agricultural and Biological Sciences |
2. | Advances in Food and Nutrition Research | 10434526 | Agricultural and Biological Sciences |
3. | Advances in Food Research | 00652628 | Agricultural and Biological Sciences |
4. | Advances in Food Security and Sustainability | 24522635 | Agricultural and Biological Sciences |
5. | Advances in Horticultural Science | 03946169 | Agricultural and Biological Sciences |
6. | Advances in Insect Physiology | 00652806 | Agricultural and Biological Sciences |
7. | Advances in Limnology | 1612166X | Agricultural and Biological Sciences |
8. | Advances in Marine Biology | 00652881 | Agricultural and Biological Sciences |
9. | Advances in Natural and Applied Sciences | 19950772 | Agricultural and Biological Sciences |
10. | Advances in Nutrition | 21618313 | Agricultural and Biological Sciences |
11. | AES: Journal of the Audio Engineering Society | 15494950 | Arts and Humanities |
12. | Aethiopica | 14301938 | Arts and Humanities |
13. | Aevum – Rassegna di Scienze Storiche Linguistiche e Filologiche | 00019593 | Arts and Humanities |
14. | Afghanistan | 2399357X | Arts and Humanities |
15. | Afkar | 15118819 | Arts and Humanities |
16. | Africa | 00019720 | Arts and Humanities |
17. | Africa Review | 09744053 | Arts and Humanities |
18. | Africa(Italy) | 26123258 | Arts and Humanities |
19. | African American Review | 10624783 | Arts and Humanities |
20. | African and Asian Studies | 15692094 | Arts and Humanities |
21. | Advances in Developmental Biology | 15743349 | Biochemistry, Genetics and Molecular Biology |
22. | Advances in Developmental Biology (1992) | 15663116 | Biochemistry, Genetics and Molecular Biology |
23. | Advances in Developmental Biology and Biochemistry | 15691799 | Biochemistry, Genetics and Molecular Biology |
24. | Advances in DNA Sequence-Specific Agents | 1067568X | Biochemistry, Genetics and Molecular Biology |
25. | Advances in Ecological Sciences | 13698273 | Biochemistry, Genetics and Molecular Biology |
26. | Advances in Enzyme Regulation | 00652571 | Biochemistry, Genetics and Molecular Biology |
27. | Advances in Enzymology and Related Areas of Molecular Biology | 0065258X | Biochemistry, Genetics and Molecular Biology |
28. | Advances in Experimental Biology | 18722423 | Biochemistry, Genetics and Molecular Biology |
29. | Advances in Experimental Medicine and Biology | 00652598 | Biochemistry, Genetics and Molecular Biology |
30. | Advances in Free Radical Biology and Medicine | 87559668 | Biochemistry, Genetics and Molecular Biology |
31. | Business: Theory and Practice | 16480627 | Business, Management and Accounting |
32. | California Management Review | 00081256 | Business, Management and Accounting |
33. | Canadian Accounting Perspectives | 14998653 | Business, Management and Accounting |
34. | Canadian Apparel | 14843684 | Business, Management and Accounting |
35. | Canadian Journal of Administrative Sciences | 08250383 | Business, Management and Accounting |
36. | Canadian Journal of Educational Administration and Policy | 12077798 | Business, Management and Accounting |
37. | Canadian Journal of Learning and Technology | 14996685 | Business, Management and Accounting |
38. | Canadian Textile Journal | 00085170 | Business, Management and Accounting |
39. | Capitale Culturale | 20392362 | Business, Management and Accounting |
40. | Career Development and Transition for Exceptional Individuals | 21651434 | Business, Management and Accounting |
41. | Annual Review of Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering | 19475438 | Chemical Engineering |
42. | Anti-Corrosion Methods and Materials | 00035599 | Chemical Engineering |
43. | AP Australian Printer Magazine | 10331522 | Chemical Engineering |
44. | APL Bioengineering | 24732877 | Chemical Engineering |
45. | Applications in Energy and Combustion Science | 2666352X | Chemical Engineering |
46. | Applied and Computational Mechanics | 1802680X | Chemical Engineering |
47. | Applied Biochemistry and Biotechnology | 02732289 | Chemical Engineering |
48. | Applied Bionics and Biomechanics | 11762322 | Chemical Engineering |
49. | Applied Catalysis A: General | 0926860X | Chemical Engineering |
50. | Applied Catalysis B: Environmental | 09263373 | Chemical Engineering |
51. | Analele Universitatii Bucuresti Chimie | 1220871X | Chemistry |
52. | Anales de Quimica | 11302283 | Chemistry |
53. | Anales des la Asociacion Quimica Argentina | 03650375 | Chemistry |
54. | Analitika i Kontrol | 20731442 | Chemistry |
55. | Analusis | 03654877 | Chemistry |
56. | Analytica | 26734532 | Chemistry |
57. | Analytica Chimica Acta | 00032670 | Chemistry |
58. | Analytica Chimica Acta: X | 25901346 | Chemistry |
59. | Analytical and Bioanalytical Chemistry | 16182642 | Chemistry |
60. | Analytical and Bioanalytical Chemistry Research | 2383093X | Chemistry |
61. | Digital Signal Processing: A Review Journal | 10512004 | Decision Sciences |
62. | Distributed and Parallel Databases | 09268782 | Decision Sciences |
63. | EAI Endorsed Transactions on Scalable Information Systems | 20329407 | Decision Sciences |
64. | Ecological Indicators | 1470160X | Decision Sciences |
65. | Econometrics and Statistics | 24523062 | Decision Sciences |
66. | ECTI Transactions on Computer and Information Technology | 22869131 | Decision Sciences |
67. | Egyptian Informatics Journal | 11108665 | Decision Sciences |
68. | Electronic Communications in Probability | 1083589X | Decision Sciences |
69. | Electronic Journal of Probability | 10836489 | Decision Sciences |
70. | Electronic Journal of Statistics | 19357524 | Decision Sciences |
71. | Dental update | 03055000 | Dentistry |
72. | Dentistry 3000 | 21678677 | Dentistry |
73. | Dentistry Journal | 23046767 | Dentistry |
74. | Dentistry Today | 87502186 | Dentistry |
75. | Dentomaxillofacial Radiology | 0250832X | Dentistry |
76. | EMC-Dentisterie | 17625661 | Dentistry |
77. | EMC-Odontologie | 17729920 | Dentistry |
78. | EMC-Stomatologie | 17696844 | Dentistry |
79. | Endodontics and Dental Traumatology | 01092502 | Dentistry |
80. | Endodontology | 09707212 | Dentistry |
81. | Advances in Geosciences | 16807340 | Earth and Planetary Sciences |
82. | Advances in Global Change Research | 15740919 | Earth and Planetary Sciences |
83. | Advances in Isotope Geochemistry | 23645105 | Earth and Planetary Sciences |
84. | Advances in Meteorology | 16879309 | Earth and Planetary Sciences |
85. | Advances in Military Geosciences | 25228315 | Earth and Planetary Sciences |
86. | Advances in Natural and Technological Hazards Research | 18789897 | Earth and Planetary Sciences |
87. | Advances in Oceanography and Limnology | 19475721 | Earth and Planetary Sciences |
88. | Advances in Oil and Gas Exploration and Production | 2509372X | Earth and Planetary Sciences |
89. | Advances in Planetary Science | 25298054 | Earth and Planetary Sciences |
90. | Advances in Polar Science | 16749928 | Earth and Planetary Sciences |
91. | Agroalimentaria | 13160354 | Economics, Econometrics and Finance |
92. | Agua y Territorio | 23408472 | Economics, Econometrics and Finance |
93. | AIEL Series in Labour Economics | 1863916X | Economics, Econometrics and Finance |
94. | Algorithmic Finance | 21585571 | Economics, Econometrics and Finance |
95. | Alternative Lifestyles | 0161570X | Economics, Econometrics and Finance |
96. | America Latina en la Historia Economica | 14052253 | Economics, Econometrics and Finance |
97. | American Economic Journal: Applied Economics | 19457782 | Economics, Econometrics and Finance |
98. | American Economic Journal: Economic Policy | 19457731 | Economics, Econometrics and Finance |
99. | American Economic Journal: Macroeconomics | 19457707 | Economics, Econometrics and Finance |
100. | American Economic Journal: Microeconomics | 19457669 | Economics, Econometrics and Finance |
101. | Bulletin of Canadian Energy Geoscience | 28162188 | Energy |
102. | Bulletin of the Geological Survey of Japan | 00167665 | Energy |
103. | Bulletin of the Tomsk Polytechnic University, Geo Assets Engineering | 25001019 | Energy |
104. | Bulletin. Geothermal Resources Council | 01607782 | Energy |
105. | BWK- Energie-Fachmagazin | 1618193X | Energy |
106. | Canadian journal of biochemistry and physiology | 05765544 | Energy |
107. | Carbon Capture Science and Technology | 27726568 | Energy |
108. | Carbon Energy | 26379368 | Energy |
109. | Carbon Letters | 19764251 | Energy |
110. | Carbon Neutrality | 27888614 | Energy |
111. | Annual Reviews in Control | 13675788 | Engineering |
112. | ANON. MINISTRY OF DEFENCE SPEC. DEF-2000, METHOD | Engineering | |
113. | Anthropocene Coasts | 25614150 | Engineering |
114. | Antriebstechnik | 07228546 | Engineering |
115. | APL Bioengineering | 24732877 | Engineering |
116. | APL Materials | 2166532X | Engineering |
117. | APPITA | 03655660 | Engineering |
118. | Appita Journal | 10386807 | Engineering |
119. | Appita TIME Magazine | 26520966 | Engineering |
120. | Appliance | 00036781 | Engineering |
121. | Advances in Ecological Research | 00652504 | Environmental Science |
122. | Advances in Ecological Sciences | 13698273 | Environmental Science |
123. | Advances in Ecopolitics | 2041806X | Environmental Science |
124. | Advances in Environmental Accounting and Management | 14793598 | Environmental Science |
125. | Advances in Environmental Biology | 19950756 | Environmental Science |
126. | Advances in Environmental Research | 10930191 | Environmental Science |
127. | Advances in Environmental Technology | 24766674 | Environmental Science |
128. | Advances in Fluorine Science | 18720358 | Environmental Science |
129. | Advances in Geophysical and Environmental Mechanics and Mathematics | 18668348 | Environmental Science |
130. | Advances in Global Change Research | 15740919 | Environmental Science |
131. | Humanities (Switzerland) | 20760787 | General |
132. | Hunan Daxue Xuebao/Journal of Hunan University Natural Sciences | 16742974 | General |
133. | Ianna Journal of Interdisciplinary Studies | 27359883 | General |
134. | Indian Journal of Science and Technology | 09746846 | General |
135. | Industrial Laboratory (USSR) (English translation of Zavodskaya Laboratoriya) | 00198447 | General |
136. | Informacion Tecnologica | 07168756 | General |
137. | Innovation | 26666758 | General |
138. | Interaction Design and Architecture(s) | 18269745 | General |
139. | Interciencia | 03781844 | General |
140. | International Journal of Advanced and Applied Sciences | 2313626X | General |
141. | Assessment for Effective Intervention | 15345084 | Health Professions |
142. | Assistive Technology | 10400435 | Health Professions |
143. | Assistive Technology Outcomes and Benefits | 19387261 | Health Professions |
144. | Athletic Therapy Today | 10787895 | Health Professions |
145. | ATLA Alternatives to Laboratory Animals | 02611929 | Health Professions |
146. | Audiological Medicine | 1651386X | Health Professions |
147. | Audiology and Neurotology | 14203030 | Health Professions |
148. | Audiology and Speech Research | 26355019 | Health Professions |
149. | Auditory and Vestibular Research | 2423480X | Health Professions |
150. | Australasian Journal of Paramedicine | 22027270 | Health Professions |
151. | ACS Applied Bio Materials | 25766422 | Health Sciences |
152. | ACS Infectious Diseases | 23738227 | Health Sciences |
153. | ACS Pharmacology and Translational Science | 25759108 | Health Sciences |
154. | ACSM’s Health and Fitness Journal | 10915397 | Health Sciences |
155. | Acta – Unio Internationalis Contra Cancrum | 03653056 | Health Sciences |
156. | Acta Academiae Medicinae Hubei | 1000243X | Health Sciences |
157. | Acta Academiae Medicinae Primae Shanghai | 02533650 | Health Sciences |
158. | Acta Academiae Medicinae Sichuan | 02534290 | Health Sciences |
159. | Acta Academiae Medicinae Sinicae | 1000503X | Health Sciences |
160. | Acta Acustica | 10224793 | Health Sciences |
161. | American Journal of Tropical Medicine and Hygiene | 00029637 | Immunology and Microbiology |
162. | Anaerobe | 10759964 | Immunology and Microbiology |
163. | Angewandte Parasitologie | 00033162 | Immunology and Microbiology |
164. | Animal Diseases | 27310442 | Immunology and Microbiology |
165. | Annales de Biologie Clinique | 00033898 | Immunology and Microbiology |
166. | Annales de l’Institut Pasteur Virology | 07692617 | Immunology and Microbiology |
167. | Annales de l’Institut Pasteur/Actualites | 09244204 | Immunology and Microbiology |
168. | Annales de Parasitologie Humaine et Comparee | 00034150 | Immunology and Microbiology |
169. | Annals of Allergy, Asthma and Immunology | 10811206 | Immunology and Microbiology |
170. | Annals of Clinical and Laboratory Science | 00917370 | Immunology and Microbiology |
171. | Acta Bioquimica Clinica Latinoamericana | 03252957 | Life Sciences |
172. | Acta Biotechnologica | 01384988 | Life Sciences |
173. | Acta Biotheoretica | 00015342 | Life Sciences |
174. | Acta Botanica Brasilica | 01023306 | Life Sciences |
175. | Acta Botanica Croatica | 03650588 | Life Sciences |
176. | Acta Botanica Fennica | 00015369 | Life Sciences |
177. | Acta Botanica Gallica | 12538078 | Life Sciences |
178. | Acta Botanica Hungarica | 02366495 | Life Sciences |
179. | Acta Botanica Mexicana | 01877151 | Life Sciences |
180. | Acta Botanica Neerlandica | 00445983 | Life Sciences |
181. | Advanced Engineering Materials | 14381656 | Materials Science |
182. | Advanced Fiber Materials | 25247921 | Materials Science |
183. | Advanced Functional Materials | 1616301X | Materials Science |
184. | Advanced healthcare materials | 21922640 | Materials Science |
185. | Advanced Industrial and Engineering Polymer Research | 25425048 | Materials Science |
186. | Advanced Intelligent Systems | 26404567 | Materials Science |
187. | Advanced Manufacturing Processes | 08842558 | Materials Science |
188. | Advanced Manufacturing: Polymer and Composites Science | 20550359 | Materials Science |
189. | Advanced Materials | 09359648 | Materials Science |
190. | Advanced materials and manufacturing processes | 08982090 | Materials Science |
191. | Acta Mathematica Sinica, Chinese Series | 05831431 | Mathematics |
192. | Acta Mathematica Sinica, English Series | 14398516 | Mathematics |
193. | Acta Mathematica Universitatis Comenianae | 08629544 | Mathematics |
194. | Acta Mathematica Vietnamica | 02514184 | Mathematics |
195. | Acta Mathematicae Applicatae Sinica | 01689673 | Mathematics |
196. | Acta Numerica | 09624929 | Mathematics |
197. | Acta Polytechnica Scandinavica Mathematics and Computing Series | 14569418 | Mathematics |
198. | Acta Scientiarum – Technology | 18062563 | Mathematics |
199. | Acta Scientiarum Mathematicarum | 00016969 | Mathematics |
200. | Acta Universitatis Sapientiae, Mathematica | 18446094 | Mathematics |