matlab assignments and projects

MATLAB Homework Help are assisted by us here we encompass several areas like numerical analysis, machine learning, biomedical engineering, signal processing, image processing, robotics, communications and control systems, on all these areas we share with you best reasech ideas along with possible solutions. We suggest broad range of topics with the practical application of MATLAB:

Signal Processing

  1. Fourier Transform of a Signal
  • Mission: The Fourier transform of a provided signal ought to be evaluated and visualized.
  • Main Concepts: FFT, frequency domain analysis and Fourier transform.

t = 0:0.001:1;

x = sin(2*pi*50*t) + sin(2*pi*120*t);

y = fft(x);

n = length(x);

f = (0:n-1)*(1/(0.001*n));

plot(f, abs(y));

xlabel(‘Frequency (Hz)’);


  1. Design and Apply a Low-Pass Filter
  • Mission: A Butterworth low-pass filter has to be modeled and to a noise signal, implement it.
  • Main Concepts: Butterworth filter, noise mitigation and filter model.

[b, a] = butter(4, 0.4);

t = 0:0.001:1;

x = sin(2*pi*50*t) + sin(2*pi*120*t) + 0.5*randn(size(t));

filtered_signal = filter(b, a, x);

plot(t, x, ‘b’, t, filtered_signal, ‘r’);

xlabel(‘Time (s)’);


legend(‘Noisy Signal’, ‘Filtered Signal’);

Image Processing

  1. Edge Detection Using Sobel Operator
  • Mission: By using Sobel operator, we need to identify edges in an image.
  • Main Concepts: Image gradients and edge identification.

img = imread(‘image.jpg’);

img_gray = rgb2gray(img);

edges = edge(img_gray, ‘Sobel’);


  1. Histogram Equalization
  • Mission: Make use of histogram equalization to improve the image contrast.
  • Main Concepts: Improvement of image contrast and histogram equalization.

Img = imread (‘image.jpg’);

img_gray = rgb2gray(img);

img_eq = histeq(img_gray);


Control Systems

  1. PID Controller Design
  • Mission: For a provided system, a PID controller is required to be modeled and simulated.
  • Main Concepts: System dynamics, feedback management and PID control.

num = [1];

den = [1 10 20];

sys = tf(num, den);

Kp = 1;

Ki = 1;

Kd = 1;

PID = pid(Kp, Ki, Kd);

T = feedback(PID*sys, 1);


  1. State-Space Representation and Analysis
  • Mission: Apply state-space repress to design an effective system and evaluate its crucial response.
  • Main Concepts: System analysis and state-space representation.

A = [0 1 0; 0 0 1; -2 -3 -4];

B = [0; 0; 1];

C = [1 0 0];

D = 0;

sys = ss(A, B, C, D);

initial(sys, [0; 0; 1]);


  1. Forward Kinematics of a Robotic Arm
  • Mission: The forward dynamics of a two-link robotic arm should be designed in an efficient manner.
  • Main Concepts: Denavit-Hartenberg parameters, forward kinematics and robotic arms.

L1 = Link(‘d’, 0, ‘a’, 1, ‘alpha’, 0);

L2 = Link(‘d’, 0, ‘a’, 1, ‘alpha’, 0);

robot = SerialLink([L1 L2], ‘name’, ‘two-link’);

q = [0 pi/4];


  1. Path Planning for Mobile Robots
  • Mission: Particularly for a mobile robot, a simple path planning method needs to be executed.
  • Main Concepts: A* algorithm, path planning and obstacle clearance.

% Basic instance, an extensive execution is required for A*

start = [0, 0];

goal = [5, 5];

obstacles = [2, 2; 3, 4; 4, 2];

path = rrt(start, goal, obstacles);

plot(path(:,1), path(:,2), ‘g’, ‘LineWidth’, 2);

hold on;

plot(obstacles(:,1), obstacles(:,2), ‘rx’, ‘MarkerSize’, 10, ‘LineWidth’, 2);



Communication Systems

  1. QAM Modulation and Demodulation
  • Mission: QAM (Quadrature Amplitude Modulation) and demodulation must be executed.
  • Main Concepts: Demodulation, QAM and modulation.

M = 16; % 16-QAM

x = randi([0 M-1], 1000, 1); % Random symbols

y = qammod(x, M); % Modulate

rx = qamdemod(y, M); % Demodulate


  1. OFDM System Simulation
  • Mission: An OFDM (Orthogonal Frequency-Division Multiplexing) is intended to be simulated by us.
  • Main Concepts: Multicarrier modulation, IFFT/FFT and OFDM.

N = 64; % Number of subcarriers

x = randi([0 1], N, 1); % Random binary data

X = ifft(x); % IFFT

Y = fft(X); % FFT at receiver


Biomedical Engineering

  1. ECG Signal Processing
  • Mission: To identify heartbeats, an ECG signal should be processed and evaluated.
  • Main Concepts: ECG analysis. Peak identification and signal processing.

load(‘ecg.mat’); % Assume ecg.mat contains ECG signal

[pks, locs] = findpeaks(ecg, ‘MinPeakHeight’, 0.5);


hold on;

plot(locs, pks, ‘ro’);



  1. Image Segmentation for Medical Imaging
  • Mission: On medical images like MRI or CT scans, we must execute an image segmentation.
  • Main Concepts: Region development, image segmentation and thresholding.

img = imread(‘mri.jpg’);

img_gray = rgb2gray(img);

level = graythresh(img_gray);

bw = imbinarize(img_gray, level);


Financial Engineering

  1. Option Pricing Using Black-Scholes Model
  • Mission: Considering pricing European options, we should acquire the benefit of Black-Scholes framework.
  • Main Concepts: Black-Scholes formula and option pricing.

S = 100; % Stock price

K = 100; % Strike price

r = 0.05; % Risk-free rate

T = 1; % Time to maturity

sigma = 0.2; % Volatility

d1 = (log(S/K) + (r + sigma^2/2)*T) / (sigma*sqrt(T));

d2 = d1 – sigma*sqrt(T);

call = S * normcdf(d1) – K * exp(-r*T) * normcdf(d2);

put = K * exp(-r*T) * normcdf(-d2) – S * normcdf(-d1);

fprintf(‘Call Price: %f\n’, call);

fprintf(‘Put Price: %f\n’, put);

  1. Portfolio Optimization
  • Mission: By using mean-variance optimization, a financial portfolio is required to be improved.
  • Main Concepts: Risk management, Markowitz framework and Portfolio development.

returns = randn(100, 5); % Simulated returns for 5 assets

meanReturns = mean(returns);

covMatrix = cov(returns);

port = Portfolio(‘AssetMean’, meanReturns, ‘AssetCovar’, covMatrix);

port = port.setDefaultConstraints();

[pwgt, pval] = port.estimateFrontier(20);


Numerical Analysis

  1. Solving Ordinary Differential Equations (ODEs)
  • Mission: Implement numerical techniques to address provided ODEs (Ordinary Differential Equations).
  • Main Concepts: ODE solvers like ode45 and numerical synthesization.

dydt = @(t, y) -2*y + sin(t);

tspan = [0 10];

y0 = 1;

[t, y] = ode45(dydt, tspan, y0);

plot(t, y);


Crucial 50 Matlab Datasets for Research

Selecting an appropriate and effective dataset for our research is a challenging task.  For guiding you in this process, some of the notable and publicly accessible MATLAB datasets from authentic sources are offered by us:

Machine Learning and AI

  1. MNIST Handwritten Digits: It is a collection of handwritten digit images which is used for performing classification programs.
  2. CIFAR-10: The CIFAR-10 is a dataset divided into 10 different classes which consists of 60,000 32×32 color images.
  3. UCI Machine Learning Repository: For machine learning studies, it involves diverse datasets.
  4. Boston Housing: In anticipating house prices, this dataset is highly beneficial.
  5. Iris Flower Dataset: Regarding classification tasks, it includes standard datasets.
  6. Wine Quality: This dataset collects data to   forecast the quality of wine.
  7. Pima Indians Diabetes: It is particularly suitable for anticipating diabetes in patients.
  8. Breast Cancer Wisconsin: Especially for detecting breast cancer, it gathers data,
  9. Human Activity Recognition Using Smartphones: To detect the activity of humans, this data incorporates several data.
  10. Fashion MNIST: Fashion products images are incorporated in this dataset for classification.

Signal Processing

  1. MIT-BIH Arrhythmia Database: As regards arrhythmia identification, it involves recordings of ECG.
  2. NOAA Weather Data: For signal analysis, weather data is included.
  3. PhysioNet Challenge Datasets: Diverse ranges of physiological signals are encompassed here for health observation.
  4. LibriSpeech ASR Corpus: Regarding automatic speech recognition, this dataset contains speech records.
  5. UrbanSound8K: To conduct classification programs, it includes a dataset of urban sounds.
  6. ECG-ID Database: Particularly for biometric identification, this database incorporates ECG signals.
  7. DEAP: Dataset for Emotion Analysis Using Physiological Signals: Considering the emotion recognition, it encompasses EEG and other physiological signals.
  8. Speech Commands Dataset: Spoken word recordings are involved for classification.
  9. GTZAN Music/Speech Dataset: For music/speech classification, audio recordings are included in this dataset.
  10. AcousticBrainz Genre Dataset: In order to carry out for music/speech classification, this dataset gathers music recordings.

Image Processing and Computer Vision

  1. ImageNet: Specifically for object recognition, extensive dataset of labeled images are encompassed in this dataset.
  2. COCO (Common Objects in Context): Regarding captioning, classification and object identification, it incorporates image dataset.
  3. Pascal VOC: Collection of image data for classification and object identification.
  4. LFW (Labeled Faces in the Wild): To recognize fact, this dataset involves Facial images.
  5. CelebA: It is highly regarded as an extensive face attributes dataset.
  6. Stanford Dogs Dataset: This is a dataset of dog breed classification.
  7. Caltech-101: With 101 classes, it includes object recognition datasets.
  8. BSDS500 (Berkeley Segmentation Dataset): Beneficial and appropriate dataset for image segmentation.
  9. Oxford-IIIT Pet Dataset: As regards 37 breeds of cats and dogs, it incorporates images.
  10. CamVid Dataset: For object detection, the annotated video formats are involved in this dataset.

Control Systems

  1. Quadrotor Dynamics Dataset: Particularly for quadrotor control, the kinematics
  2. Inverted Pendulum Data: In order to design and manage an inverted pendulum, this dataset is highly beneficial.
  3. DC Motor Data: A DC motor is effectively designed and managed through this dataset.
  4. Autonomous Vehicle Dataset: For automated vehicle navigation, it contains sensor data.
  5. Ball and Beam System Data: In the process of designing and handling a ball and beam system, this dataset can be used extensively.
  6. Robotic Arm Dataset: To manage a robotic arm, it involves sufficient datasets.
  7. Magnetic Levitation System Data: It gathers data for handling a magnetic levitation system.
  8. Cart-Pole System Data: This dataset is broadly used for designing and managing a cart-pole system.
  9. Furnace Temperature Control Data: Considering the furnace temperature, it collects data for development and management.
  10. Water Tank System Data: In a tank system, this data is deployed for designing and handling water levels.

Biomedical Engineering

  1. NIH Chest X-ray Dataset: X-ray images of chest are involved in this dataset for detecting disease.
  2. ADNI (Alzheimer’s Disease Neuroimaging Initiative): For Alzheimer’s studies, it gathers scan reports of MRI and PET.
  3. BraTS (Brain Tumor Segmentation) Dataset: Generally for brain tumor segmentation MRI scans are accumulated here.
  4. OASIS (Open Access Series of Imaging Studies): Regarding brain studies, it collects MRI data.
  5. MIMIC-III: It is an extensive medical database for health analysis.
  6. UK Biobank: Health-based data can be collected for research.
  7. TCIA (The Cancer Imaging Archive): For cancer studies, it accumulates related medical images.
  8. HAPT (Human Activity Recognition Using Smartphones Dataset): To carry out health tracking, it involves activity data.
  9. EPIC-KITCHENS Dataset: Video dataset of first person perspectives are gathered here for detecting human behaviors.
  10. BioID Face Database: It contains data of facial images for biometric analysis.

MATLAB is an easy-to-use language which includes various functions that help in performing complicated mathematical functions. Here, we provided significant areas of MATLAB utilization along with key concepts and substantial datasets on each area. Share with us your reasech needs we will guide you shortly.