PhD Topics in Context-Aware Computing

Understanding, interpretation and sense of information is not an easy task for any device. So Context-Aware Computing is initiate as a promise of transparency for better understanding of its situation and reacts according to the behaviours. In this innovative development area, we give enormous PhD topics in Context-Aware Computing to emphasize about the latest information about it.

What does context-aware mean?

Contextual awareness denotes the skill of gather and examine a lot of information, and automatically produce accurate output based on different actions. Contextual data is a group of information collected from users, sensors, and applications.

Context-Aware Computing Layers

  • User Layer UL
  • Sensing Layer (SL)
  • Sensor Data Acquisition Layer (SDAL)
  • Data, Semantics, and Context Dissemination Layer (DSCDL)
  • Processing and Reasoning Layer (CPRL)
  • Context and Semantic Discovery Layer (CSDL)

Process of Context-Aware Computing

  • Gathers data from various sources like Web Browsers, Cameras, Microphones AndGlobal Positioning Satellite (GPS) Receivers and Sensors.
  • Respond according to pre-established rules or through computational intelligence.
  • Enable user to enhanced experiences including augmented reality, context-relevant information delivery and contextual marketing messages.

Important Contextual Graphs in Context-Aware Computing

  • The Social Graph
  • Prefer the person that we may know
  • Dataset displays your peer groups of people and how they are connected among themselves
  • Reveals the connections of nature and emotional relationship of the people
  • Attempt and displays the similarities of other people to the one
  • The behaviour-based graph
  • Example: Query searching utilize this to offer accurate and relevant information to their clients by real-time location, keyword extraction and contextual awareness
  • Shows the users to what to do and claim to do
  • The Personal Graph
  • Tough to design and undersized
  • Due to privacy concerns, users ignore to upload personal data in online
  • Based on an Individual core belief, values and character
  • The Interest-Based Graph
  • Based on preferences or interesting area of search it suggested the similar products
  • Example: Recommendation-based Application suggest similar results based on your preferences and likes that you searched before
  • Search history plays a major role

This Four Graphs of Context-Aware Computing will help researchers for constructing information by preferences, behaviors and likes as a tool to serve them. Hope, you get an idea about the main borders in context-aware computing.

In spite of this, there are many interesting areas in context-aware computing. To prove that, PhD topics in Context-aware Computing have certified experts are excavating many innovative topics for PhD scholars for researching. For your reference, here we listed a few.


  • Study of Content for Emotion Identification
  • Detection of Emotional State from the Face and Physical Gestures
  • Affective State Recognition (EEG and fMRI)

The listed topics are the sample to know we are the right platform to your PhD projects. Now, let’s see about the main issues to face in Context-Aware Computing research period.


  • Context internally by Storage, Data Structures and algorithms
  • Regularly make the system to be updated on the transformation of context
  • Pick the right sensors / devices to aware of context and infrastructure

No matter what the challenges should be, we have a current trend updated team who have many areas of stuff in the field of PhD topics in Context-Aware Computing. So to be sure, we hold up your hands up to the entire project session that helps you to taste your eternal victory in your career too. Have a Joyful Growth with Us!!