Computer networks are established using different communication technologies like software and crucial network elements such as transceiver antennas. Projects on computer networks are gaining huge importance among final year students and researchers owing to the fact that technological advancements are happening every day. This article will give you a complete picture of computer network projects, and here we provide you with expert answers to many important research questions. Let us first start by understanding the working of computer networks.
- The open system interconnection model is the basis on which a device in a computer network incorporates itself into it. The device may include any type of hardware’s which ranges from a switch to a Smartphone.
- For example, a request from a Smartphone for establishing a video call is first forwarded to a switch from where it reaches the server, and finally, the receiver gets the task executed.
The type of network and traffic primary depends on the objective of your research. Based on the aim of your projects on computer networks, the network deployment method also differs. What are the different types of network deployment methods?

The different types of network deployment methods are listed below
- Planned
- Incremental
- Deployment based on virtual force
- Based on increment
- Regular
- Based on grid
- Square
- Hexagonal
- Circular
- Based on computational geometry
- Delaunay triangulation
- Vornoi
- Based on grid
- Random deploymentBased on random distributionAir dropping
In general, the method that you might choose is primarily dependent on your project needs. As we have guided 1000+ projects on computer networks, we are very well aware of the demands, issues, and solutions under various circumstances. If you want to have the list of major project ideas on computer networks, then go through the following.
Our Skills in Computer Networks
The following are the major skills of our experts in computer networks domain.
- Architecture of the network
- Programming and analysis of network
- Novel technological advancements (computer networks)
- Technologies involved in communication
- Networked systems
- Management and operations of network
- Modelling data and networking
- Advanced solutions (next generation)
- Interdisciplinary networking
The above research topics in computer networks are the latest and trending ones. You can expect complete search support from us on all these computer network topics. We are famous among researchers around the world for our devotion and professionalism. Generally, we insist upon building up ‘A grade’ technical understanding about your topic of network attack research. In this regard latest now talk about the important functions while implementing projects on computer networks.
A computer network consists of different layers, and each layer is indulged in specific functions as listed below.
- MAC layer
- Controlling power
- Managing interference
- Allocation of channels
- PHY layer
- CSI acquisition
- Coding
- Decoding
- Precoding
- Network layer
- Managing network resources
- Routing
- Sharing spectrum
- Offloading data
- Multiple connections
Innovations are expanding day by day to enhance the computer network functioning at different levels mentioned above. Quite importantly, it becomes necessary for a researcher to have complete knowledge of recent innovations. We are here to give you ultimate guidance for all these research essentials. Now let us understand the use cases of computer network projects.
Interesting Computer Networks Applications
The following are the major applications of computer networks
- Social networking (sharing files, Instantaneous messaging etc)
- Multimedia (video, audio and gaming)
- Other applications (climate data, browsing over web)
The applications of computer networks are not limited to this list. Our customers have successfully implemented their projects on computer networks in real-time with the help of our technical experts. Those implementations can also be added to the interesting Applications of computer networks as mentioned above. Are there any issues that we would have faced while guiding our customers in the design and implementation of computer network projects?
Let us now look into the common research issues for projects on computer networks
- Managing buffer
- Scheme for allocation of resources (and caching)
- Predicting and detecting community
- Scheduling
- Enhance the quality
- Improving service grade
- Efficiency in managing power
- Reducing the failure of links
- Forwarding packets
- Methods for evicting content
- Mechanism of duty cycle
- Lightweight cryptography
- Increased speed for transmission
- Controlling the congestion among nodes
In addition to this many research, issues are associated with specific applications for which your project is being designed. In such cases, you might need technical advice from experts to overcome such problems. So you can directly connect with our team of experts at any time to get your query solved. We provide you complete support starting from the very basics.
Major Networking Concepts
Let us now talk about the major networking concepts below
- Handling packets
- Security
- Layers
- Routing
- Management of network
For more details on these concepts, talk to our research team of experts. Now let us look into the various applications of computer networks!!!
Applications of Computer Networks
Computer networks find major applications in all aspects of daily life. Some of the most important applications of computer networks are listed below
- Replicated games (WLANs and cellular)
- Security aspects
- QoS essentials
- MAC or multi access control
- Cognitive radio networks repeated games
- Sensing
- Trading
- Usage
- Wireless ad hoc networks
- Forwarding packets
- Streaming media
- Efficiency of energy
- Other networks
- Wireless access (Fiber)
- Coding in wireless networks
- Wireless multicast
For instance, the Security topic is discussed below.
In the field of wireless communication, computer networks are expected to ensure reliable Security. Consider the following three points while designing network security systems,
- Methods to detect cyber attacks
- Ways of protecting or defending your network
- Methods to prevent such attacks
When you make a planned approach towards your research requirements, you can surely reach out to proper solutions to implement projects on computer networks. In this regard, our team of experts has listed some of the important points that you can go through to find out the best possible solution for many of the research issues.
- Deploying cryptography techniques to avoid eavesdropping attacks
- Cryptography systems (symmetric and asymmetric) provides for sign messages
- Safe distribution of keys
- User authentication and authorizing the user actions
- Holistic security (wireless, email and transport level security applications)
- Intrusion and malware detection
- Management of traffic
Let us now see how artificial intelligence is used in different network operations.
- Data compression (fusing data from multiple sensors and aggregating sensory information)
- Data security (authenticating users and intrusion and spoofing detection)
- Data privacy (differential approach and user location)
As the technology is expanding exponentially it becomes necessary for experts to keep themselves updated. So our dedicated team of research experts always learns about innovations regularly.
Similar to Security, now it is important to have some idea on network routing!!!
The major purpose of network routing is to find the most suitable route. The following are also main requirements of network routing
- Provides for scaling
- Latency control
- Mobility management
- Reliability
- QoS requirements
The types of network routing are listed below.
- Static
- Characteristics
- Tables are fixed
- Do not handle changes efficiently and its not suited for dynamic topology
- It cannot be scaled
- Human errors are more
- LCAD (delays in delivery)
- Data centric (cluster based issues and query response network overloading)
- MLHR (capacity problems and single point failure at CH)
- Characteristics
- Hybrid
- Characteristics
- Hard implementation in dynamic networks
- TORA (provisionally non valid results may be produced)
- ZRP (congestion of traffic between the zones and complexity increases with increased difficulty in maintaining UAV vehicles)
- Characteristics
- Proactive
- Characteristics
- Updated table maintenance
- It is not to be used by networks limited by bandwidth
- Delay is increased due to topology changes
- DSDV (high bandwidth, overheads and updated are used)
- B.A.T.M.A.N (lower performance with network reliability and packet loss dependent)
- GSR, OLSR, FSR (routing loops and increased overheads)
- BABEL (higher bandwidth as a result of regular updates and increased overheads)
- Characteristics
- On demand (or reactive)
- Characteristics
- Route finding process leads to increase the latency
- Larger the size of the network, reduced is the scalability while the overhead increases
- Routing table is needed for intermittent nodes
- AODV (with increase in network size band width also increases, delicious expand with more link failure and reduced overhead due to delay in route construction)
- DSR (dynamic networking and killing are are the important issues, provides full address between the source and destination)
- Characteristics
- Geographic 3D
- GDSTR – 3D (topology is static)
- GRG (inefficiency in random walk recovery and messages are not delivered)
- GHG (location data is required)
Generally, you should choose the routing protocols to suit your network objectives. You can reach out to our technical team regarding any kinds of doubts on network routing mentioned above. Now let us look into the important research topics in computer networks below.
The following are the trending areas of research in computer networks.
- Networking defined by software’s
- Named Data Networking
- Cognitive radio networks
- Radio access network
- Wireless sensor networks
- Ad hoc networks like FANET, MANET, VANET
- Optical Communication switching networks
- Cellular networks like LTE, 5G, 6g and LTE A
- Hybrid networks (vehicular sensor networks, SD – WSN and VNDN)
We are here to give you all the essentials to do computer network research projects on the above topics. It is a must for a researcher to have a complete picture of the standards and processes involved in these networks for which authentic sources of references are required. We generally provide benchmark references for you to understand the elements and topology suitable for different computer networks.
Let us now look into the important elements of a network.
- Firewalls (and also IPS, Trusted servers and IDS)
- Interfaces (routers, switches, AP and GW)
- Bridges (remote, local and wireless)
- Nodes (mobiles, sensors, vehicles etc)
Technological advancements can be incorporated into all these important network elements. Reach out to our experts to know the major breakthroughs that happened over time in your research topic. What are the major computer network research topics?

Let us now look into the current research topics in computer networks.
- Traffic-aware service orchestration (over NFV and SDN)
- Secure integration of MANET and IoT
- Clustering headed by artificial intelligence
- Routing over internet of things
- Resource Management using fog and cloud RAN (over LTE)
- RAN slicing securely
- Secure handoff in 5G core
- Controlling the dissemination of information (in NDN – VANET)
- Energy harvesting wireless sensor networks (for transmitting multimedia)
- RPL amendments (for 6TiSCH IIOT networks)
We are giving research support on all the above topics. Our technical experts are ready to give you complete assistance on all aspects of the above trending computer network projects. Network simulators play a key role in all projects on computer networks. Let us see the best simulation tools below.
The following are the best network simulation tools that are commonly used by researchers.
- QualNet (configuration of command line and subnet properties)
- OMNET ++ (Compound modules in NED files and parameters with numeric values)
- OPNET (ATM files and Tivoli Net View)
- NS 3 (provides for BRITE interface integration and uses ASCII)
Generally, we focus on the objectives of the research projects on computer networks in order to choose a suitable network simulation tool. We also update our cells regularly regarding new innovations in the simulators. So you can reach out to us regarding any technical support on any kind of simulation tool.
Network simulators are primarily used to understand the outcome or implications of our ideas. Even before making real-time implementations, one can easily get the results of the project performance under various circumstances using simulators. The major purpose for which network simulation tools are used are listed below
- Visualization of packet flow in a network
- Analyzing the network performance in different situations
- Conducting tests on novel network topologies
- Hybrid network designing and validation
- Evaluating the project performance under different metrics
Usually, researchers prefer to use one or more simulation tools in their projects. This is to complement one another’s limitations. In such cases, researchers reach out to experts for their viewpoint. We have handled so many such situations successfully. So you can interact with our technical team to get guidance regarding the use of simulation tools.
Researchers usually prefer update and simulation tools for their computer network projects. Updates on the grounds of flexibility, visualization, protocol, and G.U.I. support are expected. There are some other expectations that must be fulfilled by a simulation tool to be qualified as the best. Refer to the following points about a good simulator, so it becomes easy for you to choose the best simulation tool.
- Easy to configure different network parameters like
- Mobility
- Network nodes and their deployment
- Traffic
- Channels and links
- Topology
- Algorithms
- Updates in user interface for visualization (GUI)
- Supportive two different network parameters
- Easy to integrate (flexible)
Finding the best tool for simulation becomes an easy task with the help of our experts. Our customers are highly satisfied with the regular updates on both theoretical and practical explanations that we provide regarding the latest advancements in different simulators. Connect with us to avail one of the topmost research guidance to implement projects on computer networks with source code (Guaranteed satisfaction).