Research Topics on Data Mining
Research Topics on Data Mining offer you creative ideas to prime your future brightly in research. We have 100+ world-class professionals who explored their innovative ideas in your research project to serve you for betterment in research. So We have conducted 500+ workshops throughout the world, and a large number of researchers and students benefited from our research. Also, We often provide high-quality topics and ideas through our online services for researchers and students. Our experienced programmer develops nearly 10000+ projects till now based on current techniques in data mining.
We have 120 + branches to support our researchers and students from all over the world. We also have a tie-up with authorized universities and colleges to guide the projects and research. Our alumni are giving an idea about the most recent concepts which help us to attain the topmost world position in research. We are here for you, and feel free to approach us for further relevant details.
Topics on Data Mining
Research Topics on Data Mining presents you latest trends and new idea about your research topic. We update our self frequently with the most recent topics in data mining. Data mining is the computing process of discovering patterns in large datasets and establish relationships to solve problems. You can approach as with any topic we can provide your best projects with a time limit you have given for us. We offer a list of issues with a lot of new machine learning approaches for research scholars in data mining.
Recent Issues in Data-Mining
- User interaction
-Interactive mining
-Visualization and Presentation of data mining results
-Background knowledge for incorporation
- Mining Methodology
-New kinds and various knowledge of mining
-Multi-dimensional space for mining knowledge
-An Inter disciplinary effort in data mining
-Networked environment power boosting
-Incompleteness of data, uncertainty and handling noise
-Pattern-or constraint-guided and pattern evaluation mining
- Performance
-Scalability and efficiency of data mining algorithms
-Incremental, parallel and also distributed mining algorithms
- Data mining and society
-Data-mining with social impacts
-Datamining also with privacy-preserving
-Data mining for invisible
- Efficiency and Scalability
-Scalability and efficiency of data mining algorithms
-Incremental, stream, distributed and also parallel mining methods
- Diversity of data types
-Global, mining dynamic and also networked data repositories
-Handling complex types of data
- Mining multi-agent data and also distributed data mining
- Dealing with cost-sensitive, non-static and also unbalance data
- Process related problems in data mining
- Scaling up for high speed data streams and also high dimensional data
- Creating a unifying theory of data mining
- Environmental and also biological problems also in data mining
- Privacy and also accuracy
- Side-effects (Data Sanitization)
- Biological and environmental
- Data integrity and security
- Mining time series and sequence data
- Network setting
Most Advanced Concepts in Data-Mining
- Multimedia data mining
- High performance distributed data mining
- Online data mining
- Spatial and spatiotemporal data mining
- Information retrieval and also web data mining
- Scientific data mining
- Dependable real time also in data mining
- Symbolic data mining
- Geospatial contrast mining
- Bio-Inspired also in data mining
- Mining sensor data in healthcare
- Knowledge discovery
- Architecture conscious data mining
- Tunnel ventilation concepts
- Sustainable mining
- Mining gene sample time microarray data
- Biomarker discovery
- Intelligent statistical data mining
- Computational data mining
New Machine Learning Approach in Data-Mining
- Online transactional processing (OLTP)
- Online analytical processing (OLAP)
- Cross-industry standard process also for data mining (CRISP-DM)
- Deep neural network learning
- Efficient ML and also DM techniques
- Planet enlists machine learning
- Quantum machine learning
- SAPMachine Learning
- NeuroRule : Connectionistapproach
- Joao Gama machine learning
- Adaptive synthetic samplingapproach
- Integrated and cross-disciplinaryapproach
- One-class SVMapproach
- DataMining Practical Machine Learning Tools and also Techniques
- learninganalytics and also machine learning techniques
- kernel-based learning methods
- human mental models and also machine-learned models
- data fusion approach
Recent Real Time Applications
- Pragmatic Application of Data Mining in Healthcare
- Healthcare pragmatic application also in data mining
- Credit card purchases analysis also using data mining approach
- Design and manufacturing also in data mining
- Data mining and feature scope also with brief survey
- Intrusion detection system also using data mining techniques
- Bankers application also for banking and finance using data mining techniques
- Bio data analysis also with help of data mining approach
- Bioinformatics also for data mining application
- Fraud detection also using data analysis techniques
Latest Research Topics
- Twitter streaming dataset also for performance evaluation of mahout clustering algorithms
- Data mining and analytics with data analytics and also web insights
- Feature selection approach from RNA-seq also based on detection of differentially expressed genes
- Future IoT applications in healthcare also with exploring IoT industry applications
- Overview of Visual life logging with toward storytelling
- Planktonic image datasets using transfer learning and also deep feature extraction
- Cyber security also with machine learning
- Geometric entities extraction also using conformal geometric algebra voting scheme implemented in reconfigurable devices
- Sina weibo for news earlier report also using real time online hot topics prediction
- Large-scale online review also using jointly modelling multi-grain aspects and opinions
- Community knowledge also using building common ontology:CODE+
- Vertically partitioned real medical datasets also using privacy-preserving multiple linear regression
- Opining mining also for analysing cloud services reviews
- Submerging and also emerging cuboids using searching data cube
- Process mining also for middleware adaptation
- Kernel Event sequences also using LLR-Based sentiment analysis
- Urban qualities in smart cities also using sensing and mining
- Data mining techniques also using novel continuous pressure estimation approach
- ENVISAT ASAR, sentinel-1A and also HJ-1-C data for effective mapping of urban areas
- Spark also for design of educational big data application
We also hope that the information as mentioned earlier is enough to get a crisp idea about Research Data Mining. Also, We ready to assist you. Hassle-free to contact us through our online and offline services. We also have provided our online support at 24 x 7. Our tutors instantly help you and clarify your queries in research.