A steganography technology means that securing sensitive information using advanced hiding methodologies. By the by, it is not limited to simple text insertion over image files. In addition, it supports multimedia information like binary files, voice, communication channels, text, etc. Further, steganography techniques are expected to fulfill below specified requirements.
Significance of Steganography
- Once data is embedded into stego object for the purpose of hiding, data should ensure the integrity
- Embedded stego object should not be modified to stripped eye view
- If there is a change in stego object, then it should not create an impact on the watermark
- In overall, the attacker can only know that stego object comprises hidden data
From this article, the current scholars can gain essential fundamental information of developing Steganography Project in Python!!!
As a matter of fact, steganography is a practice of transmitting secret/data messages by applying secret writing approaches like cryptography. The main reason behind the usage of steganography is providing privacy over data. For more clarity, here we have presented the entire steganography process in the form of a formula.
Steganography Formula
Stego_Medium = Stego_Key + Cover_Medium + Hidden_Info
In the above formula, a file that holds Hidden_Info (hide data) and Stego_Key (encrypt data) is called as Cover_Medium. Then, the output file is called as Stego_Medium. Here, both Cover_Medium and Stego_Medium files are of the same file format as audio/image. In fact, here we have focused on image-type files as Stego_Image and Cover_Image.
A subset of encryption is said to be steganography. Although the encrypted file is decrypted, steganography is used to hide information. To implement steganography, python is the most used resourceful software which is composed of a large number of libraries. Here, we have given you the procedure for encrypting and decrypting in the steganography project using python.
How to implement steganography project in Python?
Image Encryption
- Get the image and write the text
- Transform information into ASCII array
- Determine required pixels count which is equivalent to 3 times more than the array size
- Find required rows count which is equivalent to pixels count per width
- Pass through the image row-wise by following the below limitations.
- First verify the number of pixels traversed
- When the bit is 1, then pixel value is even number, So, subtract by 1 for odd number
- When the bit is 0, then pixel value as an odd number. So, subtract by 1 for an even number
- Record the number of letters based on the count variable.
- When the index is equal to 7, check whether the next character is present or not
- If it is present, then set EOF bit as 0 and continue
- If it is not present, then set EOF bit as 1 and end
- In overall, we have effectively completed encryption of image into a file
Image Decryption
- Get and open the encrypted image and transform the image into a numpy array
- Extract data from an image by following below instruction
- Each pixel per row incorporates 1 bit of data. As well, it is inserted into data variable by using for loop
- Verify whether EOF character is attained
- If attained then break the for loop
- Else, continue
- Store ASCII bits in the sequential format in the data variable
- Once ASCII bits are acquired, these bits are collected together as letters (8 groups)
- Store letters in data variable that is connected by a python-based joint command
- In overall, we have effectively completed decryption of the image and displayed a message on the screen
Now, we can see the primary libraries that are used for Steganography Project in Python. Here, each library has special functions to execute the specific operation of steganography. For instance: numpy deals with numerical computation and stegano deals with steganography methods. Our developers have sufficient skill to practice not only these libraries but also in other vital python libraries. Further, we also have improved knowledge on incorporating external toolboxes in the case of requirements.
Python Libraries for Steganography Projects
- CV2
- Numpy
- Stegano
- Tkinter
All the above-specified modules are basic necessities to install for general steganography project in python. So, here we have given you some important python commands for installing the required modules. Likewise, we also provide installation guidelines for installing other libraries/packages of your project at the time of project delivery. In addition, we also provide you with project execution video, running procedure, screenshots, software requirements, and hardware requirements.
- pip install numpy
- pip install tkinter
- pip install CV2
- pip install PIL
The significant python-enabled module used for steganography is Stegano. As mentioned earlier, steganography is one of the methods to write a secret message by the sender and transfer it to the receiver. In other words, it protects the message from suspects. As a result, stegano functions are sure to hide messages in the absence of encryption. Further, it is also incorporated with cryptography. Moreover, pipx installs scripts are also incorporated in individual virtual envs for the benefit of your proposed project.
$ poetry install stegano
$ pipx install stegano
Functions in Python for Steganography
Initialization functions
- bg()
- Set the color of background for the screen
- Tk()
- Develop the main window
- config()
- Once initialization is completed, access object attributes
- Button()
- Design and Develop button over the screen area
- title()
- Give a title for the developed main window
- place()
- Set the size and position of the window
- relx()
- Set the parent widget’s width infraction
- rely()
- Set the parent widget’s height infraction
- geometry()
- Set the geometrical structure of the screen on the basis of breadth, length, altitude
Next, we can see the functions used to encrypt and decrypt image files. In encode function, the hidden messages will be revealed after decrypting the image file. As well, it takes the file name from the image file. Moreover, the variable “Encscreen” is acted as an encrypted window screen. Then, the function “OpenFile” is applied to select the file which requires to encrypt. Further, here we have given you other important functions that are used for encoding images.
Encode function
- showinfo()
- It simply shows suitable information
- entry()
- It supports single-line text strings by the user
- mainloop()
- It executes event loop in tkinter
- askyesno
- It displays a dialog box with yes or no in order to confirm by user
- showwarning()
- It notifies the user by a warning message
In the decode function, the hidden messages will be revealed after decrypting the image file. By the by, the variable “Decscreen” is acted as decrypted window screen. Then, the function “OpenFile” is applied to select the file which requires decrypt. Further, here we have given you other important functions that are used for decoding images.
Decode Function
- label()
- It enables to address the text in a container box
- reveal()
- It enables to disclose hidden information
- StringVar()
- It enables to carry a string
- destroy()
- It enables to destroy the widget
- askopenfilename()
- It enables to get the selected file name
Moreover, we also give you some largely utilized steganographic techniques. For illustration purposes, here we have specified palette-based image steganography, DCT steganography, wideband steganography, and payload embedding. These four techniques were selected by means of recent steganography research requirements. Beyond this, our developers provide the best phd guidance in handpicking the aptest steganography techniques to tackle your proposed research problems.
Steganographic Methods
- Palette-based image steganography
- It is a part of LSB steganography
- It allows data to encrypt image palette with least significant bits instead of the carrier
- It has minimum data-carrying capacity
- Discrete Cosine Transform (DCT) Steganography
- It is also a part of LSB steganography which uses JPEG images to carry a payload
- It secretly encrypts the information within the co-efficient of DCT
- It relatively has minimum capacity for data carrier. Since the coefficient values (1 and 0) are unable to change
- It makes data not encrypt while co-efficient values are taking place
- Wideband Techniques
- It has frequency hopping technique to use pseudorandom law for altering carrier signal frequency
- It has pseudorandom sequence technique to use the pseudorandom signal for modulating the secret carrier signal
- Payload Embedding
- It enables payload to encrypt in the carrier and decrypt in delivery by common technique
- It has orthogonal embedding methods which make payloads encrypt independently to the same carrier
Compare to 2D images, the 3D image offers several information and real-time experience. In this, there are two primary steps in converting a 2D image to a 3D image. With an intention to form stereo pair, it uses depth-assisted rendering (new image) and depth estimation (2D image). In the process of rendering, it is simple to generate good-quality images. However, the main issue is estimating depth from video frame / single image. So, it is required to concentrate on depth recovery more than depth-assisted rendering.
Although there are several techniques in video steganography, there is no optimal technique for satisfying all requirements. Here, we have given you some important constraints that optimal technique is required to achieve. By maintaining a good trade-off, scholars are attempting to satisfy all these requirements. Likewise, we also promise you to fulfil your project needs inefficient ways like advanced techniques.
How to choose the best steganography technique?
- Assure security over steganalysis
- Greater embedding capacity
- Fault tolerance to prevent attacks (like compression and signal processing)
So far, we have completely debated on steganography libraries, functions, and techniques. Now, we can see about present research trends and demands in steganography. In this, we have pointed out four main areas of real-time steganography as fog computing, edge computing, machine learning, and artificial intelligence. From our experience, we found that these areas earned the highest attention over the research community. On knowing the demands of these areas, we have numerous innovative project topics for the steganography project in python. Further, we also provide you information on other latest areas with creative project ideas.
Latest Trends in Steganography
- Fog-Edge based Stego-analysis in Real-World Application
- The objective of this proposed system is to share resources and computing services among devices for improved QoS and QoE
- In this, the fog has the ability of LAN processing and edge has the ability to fill the gap between users and source
- Along with the advantage of fog-edge computing, stego-analysis is applied to enhance security in the real-world application
- Machine Learning (ML) and Artificial Intelligence (AI) for Steganography
- Recently, algorithms of machine learning, deep learning, and artificial intelligence are found in several research fields
- Particularly, AI methods like neural networks are used to improve security and fault tolerance in steganography
- Deep learning and machine learning methods are used to enhance optimization and data hiding
To the end, we can see the performance assessment parameters of steganography project in python. As you know already, performance evaluation is the default final step in every research project. The main objective of this step is to find the efficiency of the proposed steganography techniques in solving handpicked research problems. Also, it helps to evidently prove your research objectives in terms of experimental results. Here, we have given only basic parameters and further, it may include more based on your research objectives.
Evaluating parameters for Steganography
- Mean
- Hiding Capacity
- Security
- Distortion Measure
- Mean Square Error
- Peak Signal to Noise Ratio
We hope that all our described important steganography project information is quite beneficial for your project development in python. Further, if you need to know other motivating actualities about steganography then approach us. We let you fulfil your PhD / MS study needs from our field experts. By the by, we also guarantee you that our final delivery project will meet your expectation in several aspects like quality, efficiency, reliability, etc. So, create a friendly bond with our team to create the best steganography project in python.