What is 5G network emulator – it is generally used to identify and simulate the adverse and anomalies in the behavior of the network. Typical 5G emulators can be applied on the particulars of 3GPP which permits the user to perform various simulations over the network procedures and operations in the laboratory.
For instance, a basic NetTest 5G network emulator is able to simulate all kinds of the 5G network components such as
- 5G base stations (gNB)
- 5G devices (UE)
A consistent application of the 5G emulator permits the user to swap the production network element with an emulated network element in order to create different network topologies according to the use and drive.
“This article is highly concentrates on the 5G network emulation, its process and our mastery, guidance over the relevant topic and through this article; we let you know all the important aspects of 5G network emulators for the purpose of research!!”
Advantages of network emulator
In contrast to the 5G simulators, the emulators are ultimately for the academic and research purpose as the simulators may have some real-time implementation though it is expensive. Still, the NetTest 5G emulator enables the academic researchers to conduct study over the different types of anomalies in various network scenarios.
It is also used to assess the performance of 5Gcore and 5gNB, where the emulators permit the users to run simulation over the desired elements of the network by connecting it to the core 5G elements.
Important Modules in 5G network
- Battery (for uphold the battery level)
- Mobility (for keeping node mobility)
- Spectrum (for analyzing spectrum)
The above are the important modules used in the 5G network emulators. Modules are the essential elements to perform the emulation effectively. Besides, we provide you our important plugin used for 5G network emulation process.
- NetTest 5G Network Emulator

Famous plugins in network emulator
OpenFlow OMNeT++ Suite and SimuLTE: this module used toperform in integration with OMNeT++ extension libraries. Analyze the security applications of SDN with different kinds of modification and detection techniques It enables 5G emulator to test various topologies.
Notable classes of 5G emulator
- OMNeT++ – InetSimpleBattery (to uphold residual energy)
- Ns-3 – SpectrumChannel (to uphold the allocation of spectrum channels) and GeographicPositions (to stipulate the nodes with co-ordinates)
5G Network Emulator has above mentioned classes are significant one to effectively perform the emulation of 5G networks. In addition to the mentioned classes, we provide you the integrated tools in and its purposes of 5G network.
Significant tools of Network Emulator
- TeraVM5GCore
This type of integrated tools provides entire configuring emulation on multi base stations and million UEs and applications to generate real-time 5G SA RAN atmosphere for core specification. It concerns the entire emulation to run over the 3GPP interfaces like N1, N2, N3 and the N6 of this integrated tool and the N6allows the tester to emulate the User Equipment applications and the mobility behavior in various conditions of inter-5G and inter-RAT. Here are the programming languages of the 5g NS3 network emulator
Apt programming languages used in 5G emulator
- OMNeT++ – C++, network files
- NS3 – C++
The above programming languages are widely used for the 5G emulators to coding the emulation process. Apart from the above languages, we are trying to implement other languages like python and INI files for our innovative emulators. Here we provide you the Operating System for 5G emulator
Important OS for 5G network
- Ubuntu – 14.04
- Windows – 7 32 bit
Generally the operating systems are the essential elements to perform any types of emulation. The above OS are considered as the most appropriate components to perform 5G emulations. Here we provide you our finest emulator tools along with its versions.
Best 5G network emulators
- OMNeT++ – 3.26
- NS-3.26
The above mentioned are our sample tools used to perform the 5G emulation exclusively for the research purpose. Besides the exceeding tools, we are on our effort in designing more emulators in the 5G network Projects. Here we provide you our list of protocols as follows.
Major Protocols of 5G emulators
- SRTP (secure Real Time Protocol): used to secure the voice traffic
- SIP (Session Initiated Protocol): used to link calls based on internet
- RDP (Remote Desktop Protocol): used to enable Microsoft remote access
- FTPS (File transfer Protocol Secure): used to download large files securely
- S/MIME (Secure Multipurpose Internet Mail Extensions): used for digital email signing and encryption
- Secure Post Office Protocol: used to secure POP3
- Secure IMAP4: used to secure IMAP4
- Simple Mail transfer protocol: used to secure SMTP
- IPSec: used to protect session for VPN among two hosts
- TLS and SSL: used to Secure Data in Transit
- HTTPS: Used to secure the Web browser
- LDAPS: used to manage the security of directory service information
- SNMPv3: used to secure status and reports of network devices
- Kerberos: used to secure Validation
- DNSSEC: used to secure DNS traffic
- SFTP (SSH File Transfer Protocol): used to secure FTP download
- SCP (Secure Copy Protocol): used to copy UNIX/LINUX securely
- SSH: used to secure remote access
Notable subjects of 5G emulation
- IoV
The above mentioned subjects are used as a medium to perform the 5G emulation and here we provided you the limited number of subjects that has been commonly used in the 5G emulation. In addition to the over headed subjects, we introduce the result analysis of the 5G network emulator
Experimental study of 5G emulator
- Resiliency: calculates the capacity of the network in the unit of ratios
- Security Cost: this metric measures the security cost usage done by the network memory.
- Security level: calculates the robustness of utilized cryptography algorithm in the bits unit
- Detection Rate: calculates the accuracy of attack detection in terms of percentage.
The above parameters/metrics are the fundamental scales to analyze the 5G network performance in its respected terms. In addition to the parameters, we provide you our subject wise modules in 5G network emulators.
Significant subject wise modules
- OMNeT++ – linklayer (for IEEE standard based processes)
- Ns3 – mesh (for mesh point communications and L2 mesh routing protocol)
- Ns3 – applications (for application layer process)
The above subject wise modules are considered as the important modules of network emulator. Besides, we produce our major programming syntax for 5G network emulator as follows.
Notable syntax
MmWaveEnbNetDevice::UpdateConfig (void)
if (m_isConstructed)
if (!m_isConfigured)
NS_LOG_LOGIC (this << ” Configure cell ” << m_cellId);
// we have to make sure that this function is called only once
m_rrc->ConfigureCell (m_Bandwidth, m_Bandwidth, m_Earfcn, m_Earfcn, m_cellId);
m_isConfigured = true;
//m_rrc->SetCsgId (m_csgId, m_csgIndication);
* Lower layers are not ready yet, so do nothing now and expect
* “DoInitialize” to re-invoke this function.
The above syntax is widely used in the scenario of enodeB configuration in the ns3 code of 5G network emulator. Here we provide you some of the implementing applications in the ground of 5G network emulation.
Remarkable Applications in 5G emulator
- 5G sensor device applications based on the wireless networks
- Vehicle applications using 5G base stations in urban area
- Sensed data applications in 5G sensor devices based on wireless networks
Other than the mentioned applications, the 5G emulators are used generally for the research purposes. But our teams of engineers are putting forth their efforts to discover innovative applications in FANET and MANET projects for real-time purposes. Here’s our well-known algorithms used in 5G network emulator.
Important algorithms in emulator
Reinforcement learning
- Algorithms: MDP, MAB and Q-learning
- Applications in 5G: modeling energy for energy harvesting, resource allocating in small cell HetNets, decision making in unknown channel state information, D2D communication in shared spectrum, user association in HetNets
Unsupervised Learning
- Algorithms: K-means clustering, PCA
- Applications in 5G: clustering small cells, anomalies, fault and intrusion detection, reducing signal dimensions, D2D users and HetNets
Supervised learning
- Algorithms: Bayes theorem/learning, KNN, SVM and regression models
- Applications in 5G: spectrum sensing in cognitive radio, estimating MIMO channels, user localization, user behavior learning and classification
The above algorithms are the notable algorithms used in the 5G emulators for an effective emulation on the performance of the network. Along with the algorithms and applications of 5G emulator, we provide you the major areas in 5G emulator.
Research areas in 5G emulator
- Routing process based on BS
- Routing process based on energy efficient signal
- Handover process based on adjacent BS
These are the research areas identifies by our technical team in order to conduct research. The areas are identified also as research gaps in the 5G emulation domain. In addition to the research areas of 5G emulator, we provide you the major processes of 5G emulator
Key processes of emulation
In the emulation process, the radio network planning is mainly based on three aspects that are described in the following.
- Network deployment
- Coverage requirements
- Capacity requirements
- Network positioning
- Ultra dense deployment
- Very dense deployment
- Dense deployment
- Configuration constraints
- System Bandwidth
- Percentage
The above process are intended to provide the optimum dimensioning to develop the network suitable for the 5G network without any error and to achieve high throughput at minimum site attainment cost. Here we provide you the major steps in 5G network using best network emulator
Significant steps in 5G network emulator
- AF
The following are the core elements of 5G network’s Service Based Architecture that enables the user with the help of 5G base station to transmit data from or to the desired data network through the user plane function.
Important routing protocols in 5G
- Cluster Based Routing Protocol (CBRP)
- DST – A Routing Protocol for Ad Hoc Networks
Similar to the above protocols, we are using many protocols for the research purpose and experimenting in some real-time applications. Here’s the ultimate objective of this article swipe/scroll down to see the trending project titles suggested by our research developers as listed below.
Project Topics on 5G network
- We can help you in doing projects on the sensed data transmitting process in selected routing with the help of 5G network emulator

- We can help you in doing projects on routing selection and packet transmission process on the basis of AODV with the help of 5G network emulator

- We can help you in doing projects on packet transmission process based on relay with the help of 5G network emulator

- We can help you in doing projects on packet transmission with the help of 5G network emulator

- We can help you in doing projects on cluster packet transmitting process with the help of 5G network emulator

According to the people needs of recent requirements, the networking reforms itself from generations to generations. Though the 5G networking is yet to be implemented in cities, researches have been flourished in the relevant field. In this case, we are guiding you towards your academic Excellency by helping your projects with expected outcomes. Choosing our 5G Network Emulator service will change your academic lifestyle and you will feel the absolute change for yourself.
So clutch this wonderful opportunity to work with us!!