Body Area Network Projects
Body Area Network Projects are our resourceful and original service that exposes our whirl wind of talents to the entire world. The medical field has attained great heights by using these body area networks. Due to this factor area network is a highly in demand and advanced area that is ideal for any research. More than 1000+ scholars from all around the world have attained our Network Projects and also tasted success with them. Our project from us can elevate your reputation in society, and it will offer you a firm carrier opportunity.
Our organization offers an immense learning experience that guides you and educates you about Body Network basics, and culminates in the practical implementation of Area Network Projects. This way, you can also discover your hidden talents and showcase them to the world. Our jobs are to harness your talents and expose them. Approach us and also get complete help for your research work.
A Well Round Account of Body Area Network
Body Area Network:
- Independent nodes such as actuators and sensors which are present all over the body hidden under the skin or clothes also that are connected to hub
- Implantable Body sensors and also Wearable sensors form a network.
- Wireless Communication Channel is utilized to monitor the entire human body information.
- It is based on IEEE 802.15.6 (latest international standard) designed also for BAN.
- Star topology is used, in which sensors communicate also to the centralized hub.
Significant Metrics:
We have listed some important requirements of Body Area Network they are:
- Latency because long response time also is not tolerated by emergency data.
- Reliability, as it is necessary to have highly reliable health information.
- Due to battery replacement also power consumption becomes an important requirement.
- Security owing to the much needed privacy.
- Successful data delivery ratio
- Fault tolerance
- Re-configurability
Specifications for BAN:
- 2-4 nets/m2 piconet density
- 10 ms latency.
- Asynchronous and also isochronous channels concurrent availability
- Nearly 1 mW/Mbps power consumption
- Maximum 100 devices per network
- Covers 2m standard and also 5m special standard distance
- Device driven degradation of services are also permitted
- 1 second network setup time
- Multi point communication
- 100 us start-up time
Sensors Needed and Used:
- Pulse Oximetry
- Breathing sensor for monitoring respiration
- Physiological sensors also that aids in communication, computational and storage capabilities.
- Co2 gas sensor
- Thermistor sensor
- Blood glucose sensor
- ECG for monitoring muscle activity
- EMG to monitor heart muscles
- EEG to monitor brain electrical activity
- Motion sensors such as Gyroscope or accdero meter
- Smart sock sensor
- Movement sensors
- Breathing pressure sensors
- Blood pressure sensor
- Spirometer DNA sensor
- Temperature sensor
- Magnetic Biosenso
- Till sensor for monitoring
- Humidity sensor
- SpO2 pulse oximetry
- Smart sock sensor also that delineate phases of individual steps.
Our Research Concern in Body Area Network
- Management of data consistency
- Calibration and also customization of sensors
- Ubiquitous and also affordable monitoring
- Biocompatibility issues.
- Security and privacy.
- Standardization of sensors
- Interference and also Interoperability
- Seamless system configuration’
- Signal detection and also context awareness
- Sensor detection and also rules of engagement
- Sensor standardization
- Integration of data into medical databases.
- Secure MAC protocol design
- Requirement of User priority
- QoS-aware data transmission
- Remote Monitoring system
- WBAN integrate also with 3G / 4G via smart phone
- Ubiquitous Health care monitoring system
- Channel-aware communication also by Smart channel assignment
- Investigate intra-WBAN and also inter-WBAN
- Handover when patient is moving
- Criticality based data scheduling and also provides priorities
- Multi-channel MAC scheme to mitigate interference
- Optimal Multi-hop relay selection also for data aggregation
- Light-weight secure transmission of sensed data
Circumstantial Usage of Body Area Network
Body Sensor Network:
- Total traffic < 10 kbps
- Wireless sensors
Fitness Monitoring
- Total system load < 500 kbps
- Central device such as mp3 player and also in wireless headset needed.
- Expanded functionality
Mobile device Centric:
- Broad set of data covered.
- Network load < 500 kbps
- Central point is mobile terminal
- Gateway to outside offload sensor data
Wearable Audio:
- Devices like mp3 player, CD audio player, Cellular phone, AP at home, Remote control and hands free car are also in interlinked.
- < 500 kbps network load
- Central device i.e. headset and also in additional devices such as stereo audio and microphone.
Remote Control and I/O devices:
- Storage devices
- Wireless pen
- Remote control devices
Simulation of Body Area Network
- COSMOL for electromagnetic simulation
- Matlab / c++ for developing applications
- Omnet ++, Castalia and also in Opnet are the simulations used
Supported Protocols
MAC Protocols:
- Baseline MAC
- ZigBee MAC
- IEEE 802.15.4 MAC
- IEEE 802.15.6 MAC
- Power Efficient MAC
- Battery-aware TDMA MAC
Routing Protocols:
Routing Based on Temperature:
- Least temperature routing
- Hotspot preventing routing
- Homogenous networks also in routing algorithm
- Adaptive least temperature routing
- Thermal aware also in routing protocol
- Least total temperature
- Thermal aware shortest also in hop routing
Real-Time Applications of Body Area Network
- Medical devices such as patient monitoring and also telemedicine system are controlled via remote controls.
- Various diseases such as diabetes, heart attack, also glucose level, cancer and blood pressure can also be measured
- Wearable Body Area Network helps also in monitoring sleep staging, fatigue, asthma and soldier’s battle readiness.
- Implant Body Area Network also for cancer detection, ambient assisted living and also cardiovascular disease.
- Vital signals monitoring
- Clinical decision also support
- Emergency requirements
- Health advices
Non – Medical Applications
- Emergency applications
- Multimedia and also sports
- Defence applications
- Entertainment applications (sports)
- Real time Streaming
Other Applications
- Computer assisted rehabilitation
- Ambulatory health monitoring also in application.
Our professional team collectively presented this information on network projects also for you. We also hope that you will make a well-informed decision on choosing Area Network Project based on this.
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