Face detection refers to the biometric user authentication process in which human faces are processed and matched with the database. The main objective behind the face detection systems is to detect the appropriate individual. Using Matlab tool in this system will abundantly offer the determined results. Are you tired of the searching article regarding face detection using Matlab? Hurray! You have come to the exact page which is treasured with the same. Let’s begin this article with an overview of face detection.
Our researchers of the institute potentially showcased their piece of mind by bringing up the essential concepts of face detection technology.
Overview of Face Detection
Face detection is the combination of 2 tasks named face identification & face verification. A database is maintained for matching out (identifying) the exact person when an image is given to the system. It also verifies the person whether he or she belongs to the database or not else considers the person is claiming to be in that database.

This is the overview of face detection in general. In short, it is the process of detecting a person by their facial pictures in a database. In fact, it is one of the biometric authentication systems in which unhindered environs result in appearance variations with so many open research challenges in face detection.
In the following passage, we have stated the open challenges in face detection for your deeper understanding. This is specified to elevate the challenges in the forthcoming generation. Come on, now let’s have the quick insights on it.
“This is the article, which is intended to provide all the indispensable fine points comprised in the face detection using Matlab”
Open Research Challenges in Face Detection
- Single Sample Face Detection
- Deep learning approaches requires huge amount of data for training
- Real-world systems requires single model for every individual (airlines)
- Pattern recognition learning simplification needs massive training data
- Face Ageing & Detection
- Skin tones & textures varies as human ages hence fails to detect (wrinkles)
- Matching & detecting humans faces with the prevailing database cause inaccuracy
- Persons images in the database is may get change as the human changes over time
- Heterogeneous Face Detection
- Involved with different imaging methods by correlating 2 facial representations
- Infrared imaging is used in enforcement of law to detect the suspect‘s image
- Sketching photographs by eyewitness sayings is also needed database to match out
- Face Detection & Occlusion
- Self-occlusion is referring to the blurred, improper user poses with poor quality
- Lightening is indicating the poor light conditions in the given image
- Noises in face may cause by covering face books, mobile phones etc.
- Occluded face is resulted by masks, hats, and shades, etc.
The faces may be captured randomly without any user cooperation. So that it may have the partial features of the face. This is one of the biggest open challenges in face detection. Occluded images are manipulating facial features by means of distancing space between the same objects from their 2 images. As this article is presented for the enthusiasts who are concurrently searching for face detection using Matlab, we felt it would be the right to reveal the working progress of the same.
The least outcomes result from the huge intra-class variations. Alignment errors are caused by low detection rates in general. On the other hand, single sample face detection is the most challenging issue in real-time as it is only capturing a single image for each and every person. For example, airline industries are collecting one single image for each passport.
Furthermore, let’s look into the next section which is all about how does face detection implement their process based on Matlab tool.
How to implement face detection using Matlab?
- Step 1: 3D Image Inputs
- Step 2: Image Pre-processing
- Inpainting
- Data Augmentation
- Hole Filling & Smoothing
- Filtering & Cropping
- Pose Corrections
- Outliers Termination
- Step 3: Feature Extraction
- Scale Invariant Feature Transform
- Local Binary Patterns
- Histogram of Oriented Gradients
- Step 4: Traditional ML Algorithms
- Artificial Neural Networks
- K-nearest Neighbours
- Random Forests
- Fisher’s Linear Discriminant Analysis
- Hidden Markov Models
- Support Vector Machine
This is how the Matlab tool progresses face detection in general. In fact, our technical crew is very much aware and skilled in the Matlab and other tools with ground-breaking techniques. This is one of the biggest reasons, why most of the students select us for their projects and research execution.
Actually, we are offering our assistant throughout the determined work done. Now, we can have the section with the Matlab functions for face detection for ease of your understanding.
Matlab Functions for Face Detection
image_out = create_montage (cell_array_of_images)
function image_out = create_montage (cell_array_of_images, varargin)
- cell_array_of_images are created without displays & UINT8 covers all images
- Here, images are represented in different classes & sizes
function scene_features = train_stacked_face_detector (image_set)
- Aggregation of features with training sets ensures high-level accuracy
- This is all about facial detection based on features of stacked images
function streaming_face_recognition (pauseval, nofeach)
- Offers streaming image acquisition, feature detection, training
The above listed are some of the major processes that get involved in the face detection using Matlab tool. Actually, our developers of the concern are well versed in handling Matlab and other tools as well as expertise in troubleshooting the bugs arouse. In fact, we can use some of the other toolboxes for elevating the face detection process in an optimum manner. Yes, the next phase is all about other required toolboxes for face detection. Shall we get into that section? Come on lets we also brainstorm.
Required Matlab Toolboxes for Face Detection
- ‘Computer Vision’ Toolbox
- ‘Data Acquisition’ Toolbox
- ‘Computer Vision’ with ‘Simulink’
- ‘Image Processing’ with ‘Simulink’
- ‘Image Processing’ Toolbox
Itemized above are other required toolboxes for face detection. Usually, these toolboxes are interconnected and significant according to their features. Our technical crew does know all the crucial edges involved in each and every technical toolbox. Hence, you can interact with our developers for selecting the appropriate toolbox for easing your determined areas of research.
There are various approaches that have been followed by many of engineers for detecting
faces of a human being. Here, we would like to list out some of the common approaches practiced in face detection. In fact, definitely, it is going to help you a lot.
Common Approaches for Face Detection
- Similarity Measuring ApproachesTemplate Matching
- Elastic Graph Matching
- Artificial Neural Networks
- Euclidian Distance
- Feature Extraction Approaches
- Gabor Wavelet
- Local Feature Analysis
- Independent Component Analysis
- Principal Component Analysis
The aforementioned are 2 major approaches used in face detection apart from this some other approaches also exist. If you do want further explanations or any clarifications in the foregoing areas, you can surely approach our researchers at any time.
In fact, we are always there to help you out in the technical areas. In addition to the common approaches, we wanted to let you know the latest approaches the face detection using matlab simulink with their corresponding explanations.
Latest Approaches for Face Detection
Sparse ConvNet
It is investigating the facial features in an iterative manner by comparing them to the formerly learned denser models which have weight selection based on neural correlations.
Light CNN
In this approach, parameters are reduced in light frameworks and 256 (D) compact embedding learning time presented with huge noise labels as well as using the MFM functions for activations. It is proposing contrastive convolution.
SphereFace is learning the features in an angular margin with hypersphere manifolds.
Here, convolutional neural network is trained with hyperplane similarities.
DeepVisage is using the normalized or parsed features for & deep convolutional neural network training.
Center Loss
Center loss is learning nonlinear transformations based on hierarchical sets with center loss and Softmax loss by supervising jointly. Residual learning framework is adopted instead of constrained triplet loss layers. Softmax loss is also using parsed or normalized features.
DDML is detecting similarities of the images are by joint Bayesian metrics.
It is the amalgamation of triplet embedding & deep convolutional neural networks. The triplet embedding is learned with low dimensional discriminative probability factors.
Mapping is learned through interpreting various facial images by Euclidean spaces which is very effective in representations.
It is the combination of fisher vectors & deep convolutional neural network features for determining the given inputs are identical or not. It applies discriminative covariance based representation learning frameworks.
Also integrating the facial features and attributes effectively as well as merges the manually crafted features and deep features. It is limited to the computational resources & storages in embedded systems.
It is representing the resilient noise by deep learning model. Learning models are integrating human facial attributes by identification.
It is the combination of deep convolutional neural network with VLAD encoded features.
Feature learning processes are implanted with sampling methodologies.
It is improving saturation performance by using a bootstrapping techniques by selecting appropriate training datasets & using the deep residual networks 50 layers (ResNet) for face detection.
It applies affine transformation in piecewise by 3D face designs to extract the features.
The above listed are various latest approaches introduced by many of the top authors in recent years. Each and every approach is having its own significant features and performs well according to its appropriate executions.
Along with this, it is very important to know about the datasets used for face detection using matlab. Yes, you people guessed right!!! We are going to tell you the major datasets used for human face detection even during in pandemic situations. Come, let us understand them.
Datasets for Face Detection
ORL Dataset
This dataset consists of 40 person’s facial expressions with 400 facial images. The expressions, gestures, appearances of the person are different. For example,
- Person with or without mustache
- Person with or without hair
- Illumination conditions
- Feature conditions (opened or closed)
The images (samples) acquired with so variations are having dark colors as their background and the vertical frontal pose of the subject (persons). The samples are subject to tilting up to 20° rotations & have gray scale images (256) with 92*112 pixels.
FERET Dataset
The main objective of the Facial Recognition Technology (FERET) is to help the forensic, security, user authentication processes by enhancing the face recognition mechanisms.
It is consisted of 365 duplicate & 1199 original persons images under a semi controlled environment within 15 sessions. The total number of facial images is around 14126 with 1564 sets. The duplicate set is the replication of existing images that was also captured.
CFP Dataset
It is the dataset of Celebrities in Frontal Profile (CEP) that is available is public and complex in nature. It contains 500 subjects with 7000 images. In addition, they capture 4 profile pictures & 10 frontal images per person. The protocol of the frontal profile is the combination of different persons 350 pairs & the same person’s 350 pairs in 10 folders for facial authentication.

- MFDD – Masked Face Detection Dataset
This dataset is used to attain high precision levels by training a face detection model
- SMFDD – Simulated Masked Face Detection Dataset
This dataset is consisted of 10k persons’ 5 lakhs facial images and is applied with unmasked counterparts who have originalities. CASIA WebFace & LFW are the two datasets alternatively used as standard large-scale facial datasets
- RMFDD – Real-World Masked Face Detection Dataset
It consists of 525 persons’ 5000 images with facial masks and 525 persons’ 90k images without facial masks. The data is collected from internet sources.
These 3 datasets are the kind of datasets used for detecting human faces even with masks. During this pandemic situation, we tend to wear masks which are almost covering the face. Hence, the face detection system’s performance will decrease as well as result in inefficiency. So that it is very important to improve the system by means of people with masks too. So far, we have come up with sections related to face detection using Matlab with crystal clear points. To the end, we are suggesting you, people, try out researches in Matlab as we do. If you are having dilemmas in working on Matlab projects, feel free to approach our academics.
Stay learned! Stay innovated! Stay connected to the technology!