Hadoop is one of the big data analysis application tools that are used to process a massive amount of datasets. Usually, it gets done in the clustered hardware and it has 2 eminent layers in itself. Hadoop Distributed File System (HDFS) defines the layer of storage and the MapReduce defines the layer of computation. “This article is going to let you know about the facts and dynamic elements comprised in the Hadoop thesis with crystal clear points”
This article is brought up to you with all the possible aspects of the Hadoop thesis. Our researchers made this article with sincere concentration to help out the students, and the scholars in the technical world. At the end of this article, you will capable of doing your thesis on Hadoop without any doubt. Now we can see about the modules that are consisted of the Apache Hadoop frameworks.

Apache Hadoop Framework Modules
- MapReduce
- It deals with a huge amount of datasets and it is a kind of programming tool
- It is the controller of resources presented in the environs and schedules the user by cluster functioning
- Hadoop Distributed File System
- It facilitates to offer the supremacy of bandwidth in the clusters in which data get warehoused
- Common Hadoop Module
- It is the collection of tools and libraries which is from different Hadoop modules
The aforementioned are the Hadoop framework composing modules that are used widely. Hadoop applications are used in every field of technology to make ease of the data process. To attain the accuracy level it is used. In this article, we are going to cover the Hadoop thesis hierarchically. In the following passage, our technical team has mentioned to you the purpose of Hadoop for your wise understanding. Let’s try to understand them.
What is the Purpose of Hadoop?
- Processing of Data
- Data processing is one of the important steps to get the exact data from the massive datasets
- Hadoop makes use of the data processing utilizing hive, pig, spark and MapReduce, etc.,
- Storage of Data
- As already stated data gets stored in theHadoop Distributed File System(HDFS) & Hbase (NoSQL)
- HDFS is for chronological navigations whereas Hbase is for arbitrary writing and reading navigations
- Consumption of Data
- It is the preamble step in the big data analysis
- and from the different sources like SAP ERPS, MySQL, Siebel & Oracle
- It may be in the forms of video, audio, text, log/flat files, and social media contents
- The gathered data are warehoused in the Hadoop Distributed File System (HDFS) with a job run time of fewer than fifteen minutes or streams with a run time of 100 to 200 seconds.
This is how Hadoop processes the data into 3 uses. We hope that you are getting the points as well as understanding the same. Hadoop applications are unique. Hence they are having a significant feature of it. Yes, you guessed right. In the upcoming passage, we are going to mention to you the important features of Hadoop for your better understanding. Are you interested in moving further? Come let’s have one of the important sections of Hadoop.
What are the 3 Important Features of Hadoop?
- Fault-tolerance
- Each of the techniques used in the Hadoop has the fault tolerance feature but they may differ according to the nature in which they are used
- Hadoop structures are capable of handling the errors that often takes place in the environment
- Latency
- It is all about the time gap between the tasks/jobs initials and their primary results
- Streaming aspects are the best suit for the real world or real-time projects
- Throughput
- It is also known as the performance measure for the volume of work done
The above listed are the 3 essential factors involved in the Hadoop applications. At this time, we thought that adding up the tools that are used in the Hadoop would be effective. As it is very important to know, we’ve mentioned them in the earlier stages of this article. Let’s get into that.
Top 10 Hadoop Tools List
- Pentaho
- Talend
- Hbase
- RTool
- Tableau
- Apache Hive
- Apache Impala
- Hadoop MapReduce
- Apache Spark
The listed above are the important tools that are used in Hadoop technology in recent days. Our researchers are very familiar with above mentioned and other tools available in the market. Effective Hadoop thesis writing will be the result of the best tools and techniques handled in the technologies. Here, we’ve additionally mentioned to you the big data processing tools for Hadoop for updating your knowledge.
Hadoop Tools for Big Data
- H2O
- Tools Interfacing: MLlib, Mahout, and H2O
- Programming Languages: R, Java, Scala & Python
- Implementation Model: Batch
- Version:
- Storm
- Tools Interfacing: SAMOA
- Programming Languages: Compatible with Every language
- Implementation Model: Streaming
- Version: 0.9.4
- Spark
- Tools Interfacing: H2O, MLlib & Mahout
- Programming Languages: Scala, R, Python & Java
- Implementation Model: Streaming & Batch
- Version: 1.3.1
- Flink
- Tools Interfacing: SAMOA andFlink
- Programming Languages: Scala & Java
- Implementation Model: Streaming & Batch
- Version: 0.8.1
- MapReduce
- Tools Interfacing: Mahout
- Programming Languages: Java
- Implementation Model: Batch
- Version: 2.7.0
The aforementioned are the domineering tools widely used in big data analysis. We hope this section will help you out in the big data analysis areas with their corresponding deployment aspects. When configuring the Hadoop application we need to take into account some of the important requisites of the application. Here, we are going to demonstrate to you the important requirements of Apache Hadoop 2.5.2 and MapReduce 5.2 for ease of your understanding.
In addition to this discussion, we wanted to let you know about our technical team capacities. They are filtered out from proficient skill sets with thorough knowledge in every aspect of the emerging technology. Hence, they know the important requirements of the Hadoop systems. Let’s have a further understanding in the immediate section.
System Requirements for Hadoop
- Ubuntu
- Ubuntu 12.04 LTS & 12.10
- Ubuntu 13.04 & 13.10
- Ubuntu 14.04 & 14.10 LTS
- Ubuntu 15.04 & 15.10
- Ubuntu 16.04 LTS
They are all companionable with the x64 & x86 bits and their likelihood processors.
- Linux & Oracle Linux
- Red Hat Enterprise Linux (CentOS 5.x by glib 2.5.x) – x64 & x86 bits/ Processors
- Red Hat Enterprise Linux (CentOS 6.x by glibc 2.12-1.25.x) – x64 bits/ Processors
- Red Hat Enterprise Linux (CentOS 6.x by glibc 2.12.x) – x86 bits/ Processors
- Red Hat Enterprise Linux (CentOS 7.x by glibc 2.17.x) – x64 & x86 bits/ Processors
- Oracle Linux (7.x by glibc 2.17.x) – x64 bits/ Processors
- Oracle Linux (8.x by glibc 2.28.x) – x64 bits/ Processors
So far, wehave discussed the importance and baselines for Hadoop. Furthermore, we have seen the tools, purposes of Hadoop, system requirements for the Hadoop. As this article is concentrated on the Hadoop, our researchers mentioned the Hadoop thesis ideas for your reference. Shall we get into that? Come let’s have them as your handy notes.
Hadoop Thesis Ideas
- Idea 1: Big Data Foundations
- Gather the updated standards for the datasets
- Make the collection of big data info
- Draft the enhanced big data evaluation model
- Compare with the novel or hypothesis models
- Idea 2: Big Data Handling
- Cleaning or noise removal big data techniques
- Scale-out Search Engines of IoT and Big Data
- Peer-to-peer and Distributed/Shared Search Engines
- Systems and Algorithms for Big Data Handling
- Idea 3: Big Data Mining & Search
- Peer-to-peer and Distributed / Shared Search Engines
- Web Browser Searches
- Social Media Search Mining
In the previous passage, we have listed with you some of the hadoop project ideas which are developed by us. We highlighted them for ease of your understanding. We hope that you are admiring this article as it is subject to simplicity with advanced content. Our technical team and the researchers are always guiding the students in the relevant fields of research and their thesis writing which is yielding the best results among others in the industry. The students are getting their dream jobs by holding our hands in the research and project areas. In the upcoming passage, we are going to reveal our specializations.
How to complete thesis writing?
- Choosing Thesis Topic
- We help the students to write their thesis writing in which they are researched
- When students get confusion in their research area selection our researchers will guide the PhD scholars and the students to pick the research area according to their interest
- Our technical team suggest various research area hadoop project topics/ideas in which UG and PG students can explore incredibly
- For the PhD students, we point out the significance and the clarifications of the suggested various research areas
- Proposal of Thesis
- Thesis writing proposals should be clear and that should have the unique factors in it
- So that, refer to the novel hypothesis aspects which are relevant to your projects
- If you are struggling in this area you can have approach our experts with your rough proposal drafts
- Our technical team will improve the thesis proposal with your requirements and as per your suggestions with on time
- Additionally, we offer the thesis proposal with 100% accuracy which has no imitations from others
- Thesis Writing
- Collect Research Papers
- Review of Literatures
- Research Gaps
- The intention of the Research
- Goal Lines of the Research
- Data Retrieval Methods
- Analysis of Big Data
- Outcome Probabilities
- Various References
This is how we help our clients, students, and scholars in thesis writing and other areas of technology bringing ups. In addition to that, we wanted to share one of the projects that are done by us in the subsequent passage for the ease of your understanding. Are you interested in stepping into the next phase? We know that you are ready to move on further.

Hadoop Project Ideas
This project is concerned with the security of the data retrieved and making it compatible with the Hadoop Distributed File System which has cloud (Amazon) storage. In the immediate hints, we are going to show you the steps involved in the project.
- Step 1
- Particle Swarm Optimization (PSO) to identify the parameters like code words, arithmetic values in the given data
- Step 2
- Security and prevention measures (biometric signals) such as sending one-time password to the appropriate user to avoid suspicious attackslike phishing, brute force attacks, and so on
- Step 3
- Implement the RC6 Map Combine Reduce (MCR) model and Arithmetic Coding which encrypts and decrypts the network packets and name nodes are validated by the IP addresses
- Step 4
- Make use of the HDFS CuckooDB ( Cuckoo ++ Hash Table) and it is fixed over the HDFS
- Step 5
- Find the performance of the proposed method and also compare the existing methods with the performance metrics. By this performance metrics evaluation, we can eradicate or diminish the rate of attacks which are stated in the following cases.
- Brute-Force Attacks
- Stolen-Verifier Attacks
- Data Node Impersonating Attacks
- Replay / Phishing Attacks
- Find the performance of the proposed method and also compare the existing methods with the performance metrics. By this performance metrics evaluation, we can eradicate or diminish the rate of attacks which are stated in the following cases.
In this area, you might get a question about how do we compute the performance metrics. For the ease of your understanding, we are going to showcase them.
- Memory Utilization in Bytes
- Time of Indexing in Seconds
- Runtime in Seconds
- Time of Encryption/ Decryption in Seconds
- Time of Compression/Decompression in Seconds
- The ratio of Compression in Percentage
So far, we’ve discussed the utmost features which are comprised in the Hadoop thesis and given you the illustrations to ease up your understanding. In general, our researchers are transferring their knowledge to the students in the fields of research, projects, and their thesis. In addition to that, our experts deliberately explain to you the concepts with the visualized effects thus the students are grabbing the concepts very easily. If you are interested, then join us to light up your career.