Network Simulator Master Thesis in Iran
Network Simulator Master Thesis in Iran offer topmost range of service only for you that provide very much patterned thesis to get high grade in your outstanding intellectual research.Due to our marvellous and extraordinary patterned thesis preparation service, we have a wide variety of students and research colleagues in various fields/ departments (EEE, CSE, ECE, IT, etc.) from different corners of the world. NS2 is very popular in the network research area because it is open source with plenty of library components
We have universal standards and highly dedicated brilliant with us to provide highly standardized service with absolute guidance and assistance for your research. Due to our creativity, ingenuity, and confidentiality support, we are one of the leading institutes in this highly complicated and technological world. You can contact us for any guidance to attain a great position in your career.
Simulator Master Thesis in Iran
Network Simulator Master Thesis in Iran provide high classy standardized thesis for you that depend upon your university/ college requirements with our inventive and positive approach. Ns2 is a discrete event-driven network simulator that is a freely distributed and highly recognized open-source network simulator.
It provides substantial support for simulation of routing, TCP, and multicasting protocols over satellite and local networks. Here, we mentioned some of the NS2 key features, a combination of simulation tools (NS2 combine with which simulator to provide effective result), supported tools, and foremost protocols for your better ideas.
Key Features in Network Simulator 2
- Extensibility
- Energy Models
- Topology Generation Tools
- Protocols: UDP, TCP, also in HTTP, Multi distribution (broadcast and multicast), DSR and Routing
- Visualization tools
- Mobility Models and Radio Propagation
- Error Models: Burst and also Uniform
- It simulate wireless and also wired networks
- Discrete Event Scheduler
- Traffic Models: VBR, CBR and also WEB
- Combination of two languages used: C++ (reduce packet & event processing) and also OTCL (control simulation scenario and events scheduling)
Foremost Interfacing Support for Ns2 with Miscellaneous Simulators
- Ns2 + RealCloudSim
- Ns2 + Java Network simulator
- Ns-2 + Matlab
- Ns2 + Dessert underwater
- Ns-2 also with Mannsim
- Ns2 with Sumo
- Ns-2 with Miracle
- Ns2 also with Green Cloud
- Ns-2 with WOSS
- Ns2 also with GolMoSim
- Ns-2 with TraNS
- Ns2 also with OMNet ++
Supported Tools in NS2
- NAM: Network Animator
- NS2 VOIP++: Voice Over Internet Protocol
- X- Graph: It provide PDF, ODP, PostScript and also PPTX output for print hand copies, share plotted results etc (Allow to make graph)
- OTCL: It used to initiate setup network topology, event scheduler and tell traffic source (start and also stop sending packet through event scheduler)
- MIH Nist: API to implement and deploy numerous of heterogeneous and interoperable wireless scenario
- Trace Graph: It is a graphics software also to provide help in plotting graphs
- C++: Packet Processing (make it detailed and fast)
- AWK: Interpreted programming language (data extraction and also reporting tool)
Most Important Protocols Used for NS2 Simulation
- Hot Standby Routing Protocol
- IPV4 and IPV6
- Generic Medium Access Control Protocol
- Internet Gateway Routing Protocol
- Intra Zone Based Routing Protocol
- Internet Control Message also in Routing Protocol
- Landmark Ad Hoc Routing Protocol
- Datagram Congestion Control Protocol
- Multicast dissemination Protocol
- RAP (Rate Adaptation Protocol) Multimedia Congestion Protocol
- Location Aided Based Routing Protocol
- Transport Protocols: UDP and also TCP
- Multimedia Rate Control Protocols:
- H323 Protocol: RAS, RTP/ RTCP, H. 245, H. 225. 0, also RSVP etc
- Multi Source Discovery Protocol
- Foremost Routing Protocols: TORA, DSDV, ADOV, DSR, ABR, CGSR, IS-IS, OSPF, RIPV2, also EIGRP, RIP etc
- MAC Layer Protocols: Dynamic TDMA, Reservation ALOHA, CDMA, Slotted ALOHA, CSMA/CA also (IEEE 802. 11/ Wi-Fi Wireless LANs), OFDMA etc
Ns2 also provides extensive support for various protocol simulation, easy implementation, and flexible platforms. Thus, today vast array of postgraduates and researchers opt for Network Simulator (Version 2) for their grand research. Our experts have more creative and inventive knowledge to offer hi-tech and more extremely sophisticated knowledge. If you also want to utilize our professional’s ideas to reach your great goal in your career, you can also approach us.