Introduction of WSN Simulation Tools: The simulation of a wireless sensor network represents monitoring environmental or physical conditions with the use of autonomous devices which have a connection with multiple sensors. The main reason to build a WSN is to improve the design of the wireless network and increase efficiency. If we construct a WSN, we want some tools for achieving and showing better results from the simulation process.
“We assure you this article is going to give a great idea about Wireless Sensor Network tools and also it took up your interest about this modern technology. Additionally, we know about some kind of simulation tools like SensorSim, TOSSIM, and GloMoSim and so on.”
For a particular hardware problem to solve by the Wireless Sensor Network in a large range of regions also. There are some services in WSN that are to support the construction of architecture, evaluate the network protocols, to develop the testing purpose through the simulations otherwise Testbed.
Top 6 WSN Simulation Tools
Now a day, there are lots of new tools are introduced for simulation in WSN. Here we will discuss some of the WSN Simulation Tools such as,
- Dingo
- SensorSim
- GloMoSim

This tool provides the top-down design approach for WSN methodology and it is a platform for developing a prototype and algorithms.
- To optimize the target platform here some prototype algorithms are used.
- Sometimes, it will give no target problem message this means all the functionalities in that programming languages are used.
- Because of the user creating the new simulation dingo have the components like a group of base classes and a simple graphical User Interface and it also contains the fixed API.
- Every sensor in the simulation model must be able to communicate with its threads and the same protocols for the physical nodes.
- In dingo, each sensor is structured based on the threads in communication and pool of concurrent. All individual sensors have a unique characteristic. There are,
- Each sensor can determine whether about the current place operation and change their behavior according to the situation also have the capability for detecting the fault nodes also.
- In the environment model, sensors perform collect and process the data.
- All sensors can have capable of finding the location of neighbors and make communicating with them.
- LEACH, Multi-hop flooding, and MuMHR are some kinds of application-level routing packages that are used by Dingo.
- Features of Dingo: improve the simulation performance because simulation can split the visualization.
- It is used to develop a python code at a high level and provide tools to build a simulation process.
These are some basic concepts about the simulation tool Dingo. Then we will move on to the next tool that is SensorSim. It creates one of the widely used simulators that are NS2.
Network Simulator 2 is created by using SensorSim tool to add some models and capabilities of the Wireless Sensor Networks. Here we consider some features of SensorSim’s are given below,
- Support for hybrid Simulations
- Network Communication
- Power protocol models
- Sensor models and sensing channels
- Scenario generation
Throughout time, this simulator can manage the array effectively based on the independent sensor nodes.
- To view, the overall concept of communication traffic among nodes and individual node states is possible by using visualization tools.
- Simulators have limited resources available for use because of considering computational capability, the memory of each sensor node.
- SensorSim always provides open-source software so this is user-friendly because anyone can read the source code and modify it is possible and also free for using this tool.
Adding some unwanted complexity and overkill of the notes impossible by this simulation based on the behavior of each node then the simulation completed in the Wireless Sensor Network protocol stack. This is some information about the SensorSim tool. The next simulation tool is SENS. Let us see about SENS.
SENS WSN Simulation tool
For WSN application, SENS is the most suitable component to customize the simulators and it also contains the physical environment, extensible and interchangeable components of the application, and network communication.
Main components of SENS
There are four main components are used in SENS tool.
- Network propagation and environment
- Application component: in the application part, it integrates the software applications of each sensor node.
- Network Component: in-network part, maintain the outgoing and incoming packets
- Physical Component: in the physical part, it read the already sensing information
Features of SENS Model
- In dependable applications, SENS helps to the development with powerful tools.
- From the more number of projects, users can choose the particular project with the propagation characteristics of various signals.
- To enable the performance of portability the source codes are directly ported to the actual sensor nodes. SENS and TOSSIM are these kinds of tools source codes can be ported with sensors directly.
Network Model for SENS
- Actuators, sensors, and power are some physical components and these components include the hardwares.
- In this tool the first process sends the packets to all neighborhood nodes then the second process provides the fixed probability according to loss. Finally, it is a chance to a collision occurs in each node of the network.
If we consider the lower level of tool it has some layout and physical phenomena. Then, the layout model contains some layout physical phenomena. There is sound propagation, affecting radio and various types of surfaces in multiple ways. These are some fundamentals about SENS tool. Then we move on to the next tool that is TOSSIM. TOSSIM is an abbreviated form of TinyOS sensor network and it’s mainly designed for the discrete event simulator.
- This platform is specially designed for the Wireless Network Simulation platform.
- If we need to compile TinyOS application, TOSSIM framework is best for that kind of compilation in the devices, sensors, and actuators. It gives permission to the user for the repeatable and controlled environment for debugging, analyzing, and testing the application.
- TOSSIM have some main process like integrating the bit granularity and making an assumption of node connectivity and also exact sharing of data from one node to the other nodes.
- The advantage of TOSSIM WSN Simulation tools is having the possibility to test the algorithm for targeted platforms.
- These tools are evaluating the behavior of real-world network deployments.
These are the few concepts about TOSSIM tools. Then we will see about the GloMoSim simulation tool. It’s a kind of scalable simulation environment for the wireless and wired network system.
- It is a parallel discrete event design that is useful for sensor network simulators. This tool gives full support for wireless protocols in the general network platform.
- This is similar to the OSI model layer. This model has seven layers for the information exchange and it uses the standard API for rapid integration in a different layer.
- For the object-oriented purpose, GloMoSim is used in NS2 simulators to attain the scalability of this designed strategy is useful to divide the large-scale network because of overhead management.
- Effective simulation of IP networks is done by the GloMoSim simulation tool.
The main purpose of TOSSF simulation framework is to integrate the SWAN simulation framework into the TinyOS application.
- It permits the simulation of the dynamic network topology and sensor networks in the heterogeneous collection.
- It has high scalability when compared to the TOSSIM.
- TOSSIM does not have the scripting framework so it is suffered too long testing and debugging.
- It allows the custom environmental models for the compilation of simulation frameworks because of the absence of a scripting framework.
- Due to tightly coupled TinyOS, it may be a chance to develop portable and early prototyping of WSN application.
This article contains the whole knowledge about WSN Simulation Tools. We hope this article helps you to gain your interest in this kind of wireless simulation. Our experts know every tool which is used in the wireless sensor network simulations. These kinds of tools give the best quality to your research projects. For more understanding kindly join us.