Delay Tolerant Networks (DTN) is a network formed to run effectively. Under longer delays and more packet loss between the device’s communication. PhD topics in Delay Tolerant Networks discuss the purpose of origin and discuss the applications, architecture, protocols, and novel research ideas for researchers under DTNs.
What is the use of DTN?
DTN is a wireless network that supports Asynchronous Communication to the devices in which data carries for a longer time and buffer is managed properly with extra space. Forwarding packets implemented using bundle protocol that performs delay tolerance while interacting between the intermediate nodes. Let’s check how it works?
- Contemporary Data Transmission to the target destination
- Finish retransmission via transmit node quite from the basis
- Execute the custody and rebound of transferring processes
DTN brings a revolution in current technologies because of the increasing tolerance in delay and DTN, and concerns among the linking work from sensor networks and MANETs to the employment on DTN.
Here, we include novel topics for further research process in PhD topics in Delay Tolerant Networks which is the completely innovative and latest area in DTN.
Research PhD Topics in DTN
- DTN Structural Design, Procedure, and Algorithms.
- DTN Data Administration and Analytics
- DTNs Protection, and Security
- Package of Protocols and Frameworks
- Data Fusion, Forecasting, and DTN
- Internet of Things Applications over DTN
Those listed topics are a sample for your reference. Instead of this, we have lots of novel topics in DTNs. So PhD topics in Delay Tolerant Networks have experts and tech teams who list out the DTNs project model definite parameters for its evaluation.

Performance Analysis in Delay Tolerant Network
The performance of a DTN may vary significantly, depending on how the mobile nodes move, how densely the nodes are distributed, and how far apart the sender and receiver are. The key factors that determine DTN performance are the routing and forwarding algorithms used, and how well their design assumptions match the actual mobility patterns.
Software-based simulations performed with NS-2, OPNET, ONE, OMNet++ common network simulation software. Especially, DTN discovers the transmission speed and proceeds with the customization. In eclipse with ONE simulator delay factor may increase. Come let see the process of the ONE ( Opportunistic Networks Environment) simulator.
How does ONE simulator Works in DTN?
- Simulate Routing protocols in ad hoc and DTN.
- Simulate a protocol to sense egotistic nodes in DTN.
- Requirements for ONE SIMULATOR
- Java JDK 6 or 8
- Eclipse IDE
- ONE simulator
- Network Simulation
- Open Eclipse IDE software and add a shortcut to the desktop.
- Add DTN Console Connection.jar and ECLA.jar of ONE simulator source codes.
- Run the code.
DTN simulation codes are featured for NS2 also. Currently, DTN testbeds can do tests to assess DTN algorithms and procedures. They provide UMass DieselNet and ORBIT DTN settings.
DTN Simulation Parameters
- Simulation area
- Quantity of cells M
- No of aggregators
- Cells side length
- IoT nodes
- Mobility model IoT nodes
- Mobility speed IoT nodes
- Channel bandwidth
- The initial power of IoT nodes
- Broadcast range
- Sum of min-max protocols
- Packet range
- Packet quantity
- Packet break
- Crisis and normal data usage at Transmission delay
- Data rate
- Total retransmission
- Period of simulation
Performance Metrics in Delay Tolerant Network
The following three parameters are important in analyzing the performance of DTN in data transmission.
- Transmission ratio
It is the most reliable metric, that measures the ratio among the number of data packets that effectively transfer it to the target node and the number of packets produced by the chief node.
- Transmission delay
In DTN it is a prime metric for delay networks which shows the common latency of data packets from the processing period of the main nodes at the target received time.
- High ratio
A metric projects the average amount of power packets which creates for the right transmission of a data packet by the main node to the targeted node. And this metric measures the recital of the routing algorithm for control packets quantity.
Without hesitations, call us any time for guiding PhD topics in delay tolerant networks. We are the exact stage for PhD scholars who prove their real talent in your academic period with our expert’s full support. Enjoy your success with us!!